Thursday, February 16, 2012

Miss Lainey

Lainey is such a sweet little girl.  She has such a fun personality and is so full of life.  She loves music, always has, and requests that we play the same song on repeat before naps and bedtime.  She used to ask for the "monkey song" but recently has been requesting the "violin" song.  She usually sings herself to sleep.  It is so cute!

A year ago we bought her a 2011 style "boom box."  She really likes it now and walks around the house singing and dancing.  She, unlike Erik, is not camera shy and let me take some video of her dance session this morning.  Enjoy!

Lainey is also quite fearless.  She likes to keep up with Erik and can most of the time.  She is very proud that she can now ride her balance bike "fast."   Her is a video of that for her Grandmas....

I hope sweet Lainey never loses her sense of humor, her confidence, or her zeal for life!


Austin & Terri said...

Cute!! Those are some sweet dance moves :)

akbwilliams said...

Ohh! So sweet and so adventuresome. Thanks for the adorable videos.