Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bless You

Today has been a long one.  It started out earlier than normal (5:45).  The kids were behaving okay this morning but I was tired.  I decided to lay down during their nap time.  I accidentally locked my door which must have irritated Erik.  He was supposed to be in his room but instead, when he found my door locked, decided to wake up both Lainey and Carson from their naps, 45 minutes into them, and then hoot and holler until I woke up.  Errr!

So this afternoon has been just managing chaos.  Annoying.  I did actually sleep prior to Erik waking everyone up so I am more rested but now all three of my kids are overtired (and Carson is teething).

A bright spot in the day was my sweet Lainey.  When I was putting her to bed I sneezed.  She looked up at me and with a twinkle said, "Bless you...Daddy!"  Hahaha!  In response I said, "Thank you... Carson!"  She just giggled.  I love her sense of humor!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a nice Valentine's day gift from... Erik haha ;)

and, happy Valentine's day from Auntie Amy! :)