Friday, February 24, 2012

Irresistibly Cute!

Sweet Carson got his first real haircut today.  He did great.  Against my better judgement I gave him a blue lollipop.  NOthing like a little artificial sweeteners and dyes to get your child to sit still during a haircut!  It worked!  He did really well (on my lap).

I think he looks so adorable with his new 'do!

If you think his hair looks reddish in these photos it is not due to the lighting.
It seems our little Asian baby has some pretty obvious red highlights mixed in his light brown hair.
I just love this little guy!

He is babbling with consonants now and signs "more."  Yay!
He is walking more than crawling too.
What a month for our little guy!


Kristal said...

Oh, my goodness! Like walking isn't hard enough without a hand weight. What a tough guy!

Austin & Terri said...

Look at that cutie!! I love that he is carrying a weight around, too funny!