Thursday, February 2, 2012

Notable Moments - Erik

Lainey filled out her second chore chart before Erik did.  He still needs 3 stickers before earning a prize.  This morning when we were headed to gymnastics Erik got into the quickly so I told him he had earned a sticker.  He smiled and then said, "I think maybe it was worth 3 stickers."  I said, "Sorry honey, just one sticker."  His response, "Oh damn!" 

What?!  Oh dear.  I am not sure who is to blame for that word being in his vocab - probably mine.  Yikes!


Anonymous said...

Bahaha! I guess then I don't have to worry so much about Jackson's incessant use of "shoot...crap!" too funny Erik ;-)

Deanna said...

Oops! That was Deanna btw :-)