Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sugar Tastes Good But Is It A Toxin??

I would tend to say that added sugars/sweeteners of any form are really a toxin of sorts and need to be limited like one would limit alcohol.  This article seems to agree with that idea.  It is supported by doctors at UCSF which is where Daron's residency program is located.

What do you think???

Are you willing to cut all sweeteners out of your diet??

We are going to be doing that again for a week (at least) starting Sunday.  Let me know if you want to join us?!  I am giving you heads up as cutting added sugar completely out of your diet affects the weekly grocery trip. 

Here is a link to the actual journal article.....

You have to pay to read the full version though which don't want to do.


Austin & Terri said...

Cutting out sweets sounds very hard!! I commend you on trying this. I must say I don't know if I could do it :)

Kristal said...

Love that this discussion is taking place in the government!