Friday, February 3, 2012

Food Challenge Week 12: No Sweeteners!

We have already done a similar challenge but that week they allowed honey as an occasional sweetener.  This week, no sweeteners are allowed.  I found this much easier than I expected and really hope I can convince a few readers to try it with us this week.  ( I am going to be traveling for 1/2 the week so I am certain it will be harder for me than anyone at home!)

It seems drastic but I think it is important, not to cut sugar/sweeteners out of your diet forever, but to take a week or two to realize how often you are actually eating sweetened products.  I have always been quite health conscious and was still amazed at how many products had unnecessary sugars added to them.

Try it!  I promise you will survive without your diet coke and dessert for a week!

Daron sent me a link to the "sugar" paper (He reads my blog I guess!).  Thanks Daron.  Here is the link....

Is Sugar A Toxin??

(Daron, if I shouldn't be sharing this let me know!)

What do you think about government stepping in and enforcing taxes on highly processed sugar loaded foods?  Should there be age restrictions on soda consumption?

I am all for overhauling the school lunch programs, eliminating vending machines from schools, and modifying the food stamp program so soda and other unhealthy foods are not paid for by our tax dollars.  Those ideas seem like common sense to me but if you have watched Jamie Oliver's food revolution show you will know that trying to implement healthy changes in the food our schools provide, etc will be a very uphill battle.

I want my kids (and the rest of my family) to live long healthy lives.  There is nothing we can do to guarantee good health but certainly there are things we can control to point our health in the right direction.

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

I'm not sure how I feel about the taxes being higher on foods with higher amounts of sugar. I am a firm believer in moderation and feel that sugar is perfectly fine if you don't overdo it! :) I know...I'm a dietitian...but really...I love my sugar every now and then!