Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oh Dear!

Lainey and Tyler both went home from the park at least partially disrobed today.
We were supervising them, from a distance.
I was across the playground because I was pushing Caron in the swing.
By the time I realized that Lainey was actually in the mud, rather than next to it, it was too late.
She was stuck in place so when she tried to move she fell over, into the mud.
Her shoe came off which Erik promptly rescued with a stick (didn't rescue the sister though).
She was covered in mud from her elbows to her toes.
I stripped her down to her shirt and undies and headed home quickly.

This is the first time she has actually stomped through the mud.

When I asked her what happened she told me,
"Tyler threw my helmet in the mud.  It got dirty so I had to rescue it."

I am not sure how true that it is as she was holding her helmet when I found her.
It doesn't matter really although I find it kind of humorous that they may have been having a bit of a tiff.  I guess muddy shoes is what you get when you hang out with boys all day!  

She was a bit sad when she fell in the mud but recovered very quickly and then seemed to 
think it was fun.  Oh dear!

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