Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Chore/Behavior/Reward Charts

My kids overall behave pretty well but recently it seems as though they are testing us more than normal.  By this I mean, there is more back-talk and at time they ignore our requests.  So I find myself having to repeat things and manipulate the situations to get them to comply.  I really would prefer that they just immediately do what I ask with no complaints ever.  Ha!  While I know that isn't practical I do think they can improve.

So I made them both behavior charts.  Some of the things listed include....

1- Pick up toys
2- Get buckled into your car seat promptly (Lainey insists on doing her seat belt on her own but dawdles every time)
3- Go to the bathroom prior to leaving the house without complaining (or at least try)
4- Behave during bathtime
5- Please/thank you
6- Be kind to your siblings
7- Hold hands in the parking lot (Lainey!)
8- Get dressed quickly in the morning (Erik and Lainey) or ask politely for help (Lainey)

I also found these neat Dr. Seuss sticker charts with spots for 26 stickers.  They are for a classroom so there were 36 charts in the pack so we will be using behavior charts for quite sometime.

Once they get a sticker chart filled up they will get to pick a special "prize."   I put a bunch of note cards with fun things listed on them in the prize jar.  Some of the prizes are....  ice cream with mom, lunch with dad, stay up late and play games with mom and dad, make cookies with mom, break a board at Tae Kwon Do, get your nails painted at a salon, etc.

I was explaining the reward chart to Erik and Lainey while we were driving to gymnastics.  When we got out of the car I told Lainey I needed to hold her hand in the parking lot and if she did a good job she would get a sticker on her chart when we got home!

She looked up at me, defiantly flung her arm behind her back and said, "I am NOT a baby YET! I don't need to hold you hand.  I don't want a sticker!!"   Oh boy! I may be in trouble.

Erik, who doesn't really need to hold my hand as he generally stays right by my side, immediately found a way to make sure he was holding my hand making sure he would earn a sticker for his chart.

I know Lainey is pretty young to understand the whole prize concept but she is a smart cookie! I hope it clicks for her quickly.   If not, I know once Erik earns a prize and she still hasn't worked towards earning stickers she will be disappointed not to "win"  a prize too and will then get moving.  I hope she doesn't get disappointed.  Time will tell.

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

Haha I love little Lainey, so much spunk :) I think the charts are a great idea...good to keep in mind for my future!