Monday, January 16, 2012

Food Challenge: Week 9

Week 9: No refined sweeteners – No refined or artificial sweeteners including (but not limited to): white sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, sucanat, splenda, stevia, agave, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, brown rice syrup, and cane juice. Foods and beverages can only be sweetened with a moderate amount of honey or maple syrup.

This is tougher than it sounds, and it sounds pretty tough!  Sugar or some kind of sweetener is found is almost all processed foods - even the organic salsa I buy.  This challenge really requires being pretty reliant on the home kitchen and with very limited processed foods.

I plan to cut all sugar out of our diets for 2 weeks and see how we do.  I don't plan to make this a permanent change but I do think it will be interesting to see how much this affects our day to day diets. 

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