Friday, September 30, 2011

Long Week but still Grateful

Carson has had a very tough week.  Monday he had a low grade fever (101.5 rectally) with no other symptoms.  Victor has been out of town most of the week and Carson fights the otoscope so I took him in Tuesday just to make sure it wasn't his ears.  It wasn't.

Tuesday he actually perked up quite a bit, so much so that I almost canceled this appointment.  He was fever free through the day.  When I put him to bed that night he did not look good though so I wasn't surprised when he woke up with a fever at at midnight.

He has had a constant fever since Wednesday morning in addition to a crappy cough.  His fever has been up to 103.3.  He has been one pitiful, sad baby just laying on my chest moaning.  He can't swallow liquid tylenol/ibuprofen without choking and throwing up so I have been giving him tylenol suppositories. :(

Since he is so little he has been thoroughly examined.  Chest x-ray, strep test, influenza test, and CBC's (2) have all been clear.  He does have wheezing today (bronchiolitis) so I have had to start using the nebulizer every 4 hours. 

We will follow up in the clinic again Monday assuming he doesn't get any worse over the weekend.  Please pray that my sweet boy feels better soon!

Here is the grateful part....

This week Wednesday (9/28) marked Jacob Delimont's one year birthday.  I have learned a lot about life watching Austin and Terri deal with their loss and grief.  Losing Jake has made me a more grateful person, helped me appreciate the small things, and not panic about the "big" things as much. 

Tough weeks like having a sick baby and a husband out of town are significantly less trying than they would have been for me a year ago because I know ultimately Carson will be fine and I realize there are blessings amongst the "trial." (Nothing in my life can truly be considered a "trial!")

Thank you Austin and Terri for teaching me to be a calmer,  patient, and more appreciative person.  I am forever changed!

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

Love you Ann :) And I'm glad that Carson is getting better! Thanks for always remembering Jake.