Monday, September 19, 2011

Carson's Stats

At 6 months Carson is... 

19 pounds (71%)
28 inches (90%)

 Today he proved himself to be the happiest baby ever, during his shots he didn't even flinch.  Instead, he flashed the nurse a huge smile!  I sure do love my happy baby boy!

He is the biggest and longest baby out of the three.  Lainey was 16 pounds at 6 months and Erik was just shy of 18 pounds.

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

What a cutie! I love that he's bigger than the rest :) My friend's 4 month old is already 19 pounds! He's in the 97% for weight and 99% for height. Crazy huh?! I saw him Sunday and he is soooo big for a 4 month old.