Sunday, September 11, 2011

Carson-6 months!


If I had to use one word to describe Carson that would be it!
He has brought so much joy into our house!
I don't think I have ever met a happier baby.
He is so full of smiles and laughter.
It is a true joy to be his mom!
I am so thankful for him.
He makes being crabby very difficult!


-Usually goes to bed around 7:30 pm and gets up for the day around 7:00 AM.  I am still nursing him 2x during the night - usually around 10-11 pm and 3-4 AM.
-He naps 2-3x a day.  
-He is no longer swaddled and sleeps with a knit blanket at night
-He prefers to sleep on his left side and frequently sucks on his blanket while falling asleep
-He can fall asleep on his own but often needs a pat on the back/butt while falling asleep in the crib

-Still nursing on demand (every 3 hours or so)
-Introduced bananas to him as his first solid a few days ago; he seems like he will be an eager eater (we'll see)

-He is on the move!  He can get across a room by scooting backward or spinning himself in a circle
-He can get on all fours very briefly and then falls down again
-He sits very well independently
Playing peek-a-boo

-Laid back
-Very social; seeks interactions with people
-LOVES his daddy! 
-"Grabby!" - he wants to get into everything; Lainey has a surprise coming for he once he masters crawling!

Click here to see a video of sweet Carson playing peek-a-boo with Victor.  The video is very grainy because my battery was almost dead on my phone. :(

Wears 6-9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers
Weight: 19 pounds even (71%)
Length: just shy of 28 inches (90%)

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

Oh my goodness he is SOOOOO cute! I love that video of him screaming, what a cutie!