Monday, September 19, 2011


Well, we finally decided on a church.  It only took 10 months.  We visited 8 different churches.  Some we went to for 2-3 months others for just one service.  The one we finally decided on was the 2-3rd church we went to.  We liked it from the start but I felt the need to continue exploring as it is likely going to be a church we attend for many years to come. 

We like the pastor  a lot.  His message this week was about how God's plan still reigns even when humans/sinners are left to execute it and often go on a different path that originally intended.  I thought this was comical because I knew back in December/January that this was probably the right church for us but instead of heeding to that intuition insisted on exploring 6 more churches.  Well, we ended right back at the church we originally thought was right for us.  Ha! 

The things we like most are..  the pastor (he is a strong speaker), the music (great worship band), and the preschool sunday school.  Each week Erik does a project during sunday school - this is the only church that had a very organized sunday school program. 

The things we were hesitant about....  the nursery for kids 0-up to 3 is a little choatic (it seems like the parents staffing the nursery bring their own bigger kids in the room which makes for a noisier room than necessary)

It is a Methodist church.  I don't have any reasons to not go to a Methodist church it is just not what I have always attended.  My main hesitation did stem from nervousness about the kids falling away from church as adults.  I know this happens frequently in all churches and is a not a direct reflection of the church you are raised in but both my parents were raised in Methodist churches and neither attend church as adults (no offense meant mom and dad). 

We are excited to finally have found a church we are both comfortable with and hope to form close relationships with people there in the near future. 


Katharine said...

If it's any comfort, I grew up in the Methodist church. While I think I could have had a stronger understanding of the basic Gospel message, I did learn a lot about faith there.

akbwilliams said...

I like the Methodist Church! What comes around goes around.