Friday, September 30, 2011

September Budget

Total Saved: $50

What did we spent it on??

1) Food:  Over by $180
2) Household/extra: Over by $290
3) Entertainment: Over by $135
4) Fixed: Over by $70

I think this is the first month we actually were over in every column!  Great!

What were we up to?

1- Great girls night and date night (new favorite restaurant)!
2- A few new pieces of clothes for me
3-Medical - $160 ($60 from this week with poor baby Carson)
4-Victor travel - $100
5- Gas! -$300 (ouch)
6-Preschool-$275 a month from now thru April (painful but would be much worse if we still lived in the DC area)

Victor did about 10-14 days worth of Navy work which will be very helpful.  Thank you Victor for your hard work!

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