Thursday, November 25, 2010


We have had a very nice, quiet, relaxing Thanksgiving.  We were planning to spend it in Philadelphia with Mike, Sonja, et al. but after our dramatic week we decided to stay put.  Sandy, Irene, and Miin flew into Philadelphia today and will visit us next week.

I was a little worried about spending the day by ourselves but it turned out to be quite wonderful.  We spent lots of time as a family -- playing at the school playground, doing craft projects, eating meals as a family, etc.  It was nice and refreshing. 

On a walk today I was thinking about how we have spent Thanksgiving in the past.... 

2004- In Minneapolis - with Victor and his parents (my first time meeting them) - ate at a buffet
2005- At my parents - all 3 boys were home -- preparing for the big wedding day
2006- We hosted in our new house in Waukesha  -- both sides of the family were there.  We may have mentioned that we were hoping to get pregnant and it was taking longer than we would like.
2007 - Erik was 2 months old and we were living in DC.  We drove up to Princeton and celebrated with the Lee's and Chen's.  Erik screamed for about 3 hours on the way home.
2008- We hosted in our Alexandria, VA house.  The Chens plus Hanna, Clara, and Kathleen were there.  I was 9 weeks pregnant with Lainey (unannounced and not feeling well).
2009-We were in WI - all of my brothers were home.  Both Erik and Lainey had ear infections.
2010 - At our new house in California, MD -- just the 4 of us, plus baby #3. Quiet, peaceful, and relaxing.

We had a nice day.  I think it was a good way for our family to recuperate and spend time together.  We sure have lots to be thankful for!

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