Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Baby #3

I just got back from my "big" ultrasound.  Thankfully, the baby looks healthy.  The doctor hasn't read the actual report yet but nothing abnormal was found by the tech.

Baby was NOT very cooperative.  It was squished down under my pelvic bone as low as it could possibly get.  It did open it's legs for us though and this is what we saw....

I truly have no preference girl vs boy -- just healthy.  I love knowing though and immediately feel a little more bonded once I know girl vs boy.

Was I surprised?  Slightly.  I had a dream at the end of the first trimester that the baby was a girl named Amelia Grace which affected my thinking a bit.  Overall though, this pregnancy has been much more similar to Erik's -- less morning sickness, slightly slower weight gain, overall I feel better (aside from the GI virus that lasted 4 weeks) than I did with Lainey.  I know that means nothing but for those reasons I suspected maybe my dream was incorrect and that baby was a boy.

Erik has been saying all along that it is a girl.  He seems happy about a boy though and seemed to get it immediately.  Saying, "Now I will be like Zach."  Referring to our neighbor boy who just had a baby brother born 2 weeks ago.

Victor couldn't come to the ultrasound today -- it was during the kids nap times plus they don't let kids in the room (and we don't have a sitter yet). Hence, the cake!  I let Erik tell Victor what color the letters were.

Baby weighs approximately 1 pound (70%) and measured out to be due on 3/22/2011.  This won't change my due date from the 26th but I think it is interesting.  I will post ultrasound photos and belly photos soon.

We are so thankful and blessed to be welcoming another baby into our family!


Unknown said...

It's sort of a tradition. :) congratulations!

Hanna said...

well, lainey will definitely be able to hold her own among two brothers... :D

Unknown said...

Anne and Victor -Congrats! Tried to send Elaina a Savings Bond (Better late than never). It was sent back so I am confirming your address. Could you email it to me. Cindy