Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sweet Lainey

Baby swing Lainey discovered in the basement and LOVES!
 I, of course, have loved Lainey from the moment she was born (well actually before that) but I would have to say that as she gets older I just keep getting more and more smitten with the girl.

Lainey is funny.  She makes me laugh out loud daily.  She loves to play.  She climbs up on the couch and jumps up from behind the cushions and yells, "BOO!" as loud as she can.  

She is sassy but in a playful way.  When I change her diaper she kicks me.  She does this as a game and when I tell her, "No kicking!" she gets a huge grin on her face and kicks her little legs faster.

She loves to climb on everything!  The couches, chairs, bar stools, tables, counters, slides, ladders, etc.  If she is eating at the counter she always stands up on the bar stools when she is done (they have no back to them).  Again when I tell her to sit down she gets a big old grin on her face and twinkle in her eye which suggest she is thinking, "Look at me!"  She is quite proud of her climbing ability.  (She did pull the bar stool on top of herself once which halted bar stool climbing briefly.)

She is sweet and affectionate.  She LOVES her baby dolls, stuffed animals, real animals, and of course her family.  She kisses the pictures of animals in her books and spends lots of time each day giving her stuffed animals, dolls, and family kisses.  

You are a sweet little girl Lainey -- you are loved!

Videos of our busy girl....

Lainey climbs

Lainey swings

1 comment:

Hanna said...

I really love the first two pictures--what a great face!!!