Monday, November 15, 2010

17 months

Cute is the word I would use to sum up Lainey.  She is a silly, fun, sassy baby who is full of life.  She has a great sense of humor (laughs out loud if anyone burps or farts), is very busy and playful, and full of life.  She dances and claps the second she hears music  -- if she is ticked about being in her car seat she almost always stops fussing the instant I turn on music.  She loves people and doesn't shy away from attention.

She is learning a lot.  She can repeat lots of words now.  She makes an attempt to repeat almost everything. 

She has eaten better the past few weeks which is good.  She loves spaghetti, pizza (cheese-less), subway sandwiches, fruit, crackers (any snack food really), and beans. 

She has been healthy this month except a mild cold.  She still has 8 teeth.  I think she is about 21 pounds.  Long and skinny.  She wears 18-24 month tops and 12 month bottoms.  The bottoms are too short but the 18 month pants fall off of her no matter how tight I make them. 

She is a joy who brings a smile to my face almost every moment I am around her!  We love you lots Lainey!

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