Sunday, November 14, 2010

Southern Maryland

Remember when I told you I was in a "funk" a couple of months ago.  I think some of that is still lingering.  Not a funk so much -- just feeling frustrated more often than I usually do. 

This afternoon, after going to the gym, I spent sometime by myself and drove down to Look Out Point.  This is the southern most tip of southern Maryland -- about 30 miles south of our house.  Being surrounded by beautiful trees in peak color and hearing the waves lap up against the rocks is extremely peaceful.  Also, a great reminder of the great Creator who made it all and will be there to help me feel less frustrated. 

Anyway,  here are some photos from my phone of the beautiful sites not far from our house....

 Point Look Out - in Southern Maryland was a battleground.  Their was a large prison which held Confederate soldiers and local citizens.  Thousands of people died in prison.  The above picture is a memorial in remembrance of the confederate soldiers who died in prison/battle at this site.  Below is a cemetery/mass grave for those soldiers.  Apparently there was also a large hospital located on this peninsula.  It operated for 3 years and then was sold and destroyed.

For those who come to visit there is a coastal beach only about 5 miles from our house -- no need to drive 40 minutes for ocean beach access! Yay!

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