Finding a "good" church is always a process. There are lots of important things to consider... the pastor's teaching style/ability, music, size of the church, belief/biblical background the church is based on, activities (bible studies, mom's groups, etc.) offered by the church. There are other things that we consider as well: is the congregation friendly (did anyone notice us and say hi?), location (how far do we have to drive), etc.
Anyway, since first becoming a Christian and attending church (1997) I have always gone to some sort of non-denominational church. I've liked them and overall had a great experience.
The options for a non-denominational church here in Southern Maryland is a little limited. There are two. There are a couple Bible Churches as well but only two true "non-denominational" churches. Both of them are small and don't actually have a church building.
We tried out the one closest to us (20 minutes away) and thought it was okay but not the one. I think picking a church this time is more important than it has ever been because we will likely live here for a long time and the church will hopefully play an influential role in our kids lives as well as our own.
Today we tried the First Saints Community Church. It is the church that runs "preschool #4." It sounds like a non-denominational church based on it's name but it isn't. It is a Methodist church. This is sort of comical to me because both my parents were raised in Methodist churches (we were raised in a church at all though). Anyway, we really liked it.
Here are a few facts about it...
Size: 400 attendants last weekend (over 3 services)
Worship style: 2 contemporary services and 1 traditional (we went to a contemporary service and the music was really good)
Pastor: One head pastor who was educated at the Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas; the assistant pastor was educated at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. The pastor who spoke today was a really good speaker. He held our attention and we his sermon.
Biblical Basis: I need to look a little closer at the methodist church's beliefs however from what I can tell it seems like the churches beliefs are similar to ours.
Kids services: Sunday and nursery are provided. Erik didn't want to leave. Lainey was quite ready to go -- apparently she did fine but was crying when I picked her up because a bigger baby had just knocked her over. The preschool is there as well (wait list at the moment).
Bible studies/Marriage classes: They have groups/bible studies called life groups. I am not sure what else is offered.
Other: If we chose this to be our home church we would need to get the kids baptized. The churches we have attended before don't baptize people until they are old enough to profess their faith.
Anyway, we will go back again next week to see if we still like it. I'm curious as to what you think?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Baby #3 - 23 weeks
23 weeks 11/27/10 |
Add caption |
23 weeks 11/27/10 |
The last 2 weeks have been quite chaotic due to Erik and Lainey being sick but the pregnancy front has been uneventful. This pregnancy has been quite enjoyable (especially after the 16 week point). I am getting excited to meet this sweet little boy. I wonder if he will have a thick head of hair like Erik or will he be bald like Lainey? Brown eyes again? It is fun to think about. I am still hoping, like I did with Erik, that he doesn't have coarse stick-up hair. (You should see Victor's baby pictures!).
Erik is so excited about the new baby. He knows it is a boy and has picked out a name. We actually like the name so we won't share what it is in case we use it. He tells me I can leave Lainey and baby boy with him and he will take care of them.
I asked how he would get the baby in the crib for naps. He said he would just climb up the crib, put the baby down, and climb back out. He even said he wants to change his diapers!
Lainey of course has no idea what is coming but she LOVES babies! She points at and shouts, "Baby!" every time she sees an infant car seat on a stroller. So cute! She begs and begs to go say hi to all of them too. I know she will love being a big sister -- probably too much.
I am growing although no stranger has asked me (or assumed out loud) if I am pregnant yet. Soon I am sure it will be obvious to all. I always grow A LOT between weeks 20-27 and then it kind of slows down (or the changes become less obvious) so I am going to try to take pictures every 2 weeks for a while.
Physically I feel fine. I do have a little pelvic pressure/discomfort - a really heavy/uncomfortable feeling. I have had occasional heartburn but nothing major.
I have had mild lower back pain as well - had it with Lainey too. It went away when she was about 6 months old and is back again. It doesn't limit my activity but I do notice it from time to time. I have been trying to do extra stretches and exercises to help it.
I am still going to the gym 6 days a week. I LOVE my weight lifting class (Body Pump) and do that 3 times a week; the other days I just do cardio. I am up 7-8 pounds so far.
Baby boy is quite busy; similar to Erik. I can see him flop from side to side now which is fun!
I can't wait to snuggle and kiss this newest baby!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
We have had a very nice, quiet, relaxing Thanksgiving. We were planning to spend it in Philadelphia with Mike, Sonja, et al. but after our dramatic week we decided to stay put. Sandy, Irene, and Miin flew into Philadelphia today and will visit us next week.
I was a little worried about spending the day by ourselves but it turned out to be quite wonderful. We spent lots of time as a family -- playing at the school playground, doing craft projects, eating meals as a family, etc. It was nice and refreshing.
On a walk today I was thinking about how we have spent Thanksgiving in the past....
2004- In Minneapolis - with Victor and his parents (my first time meeting them) - ate at a buffet
2005- At my parents - all 3 boys were home -- preparing for the big wedding day
2006- We hosted in our new house in Waukesha -- both sides of the family were there. We may have mentioned that we were hoping to get pregnant and it was taking longer than we would like.
2007 - Erik was 2 months old and we were living in DC. We drove up to Princeton and celebrated with the Lee's and Chen's. Erik screamed for about 3 hours on the way home.
2008- We hosted in our Alexandria, VA house. The Chens plus Hanna, Clara, and Kathleen were there. I was 9 weeks pregnant with Lainey (unannounced and not feeling well).
2009-We were in WI - all of my brothers were home. Both Erik and Lainey had ear infections.
2010 - At our new house in California, MD -- just the 4 of us, plus baby #3. Quiet, peaceful, and relaxing.
We had a nice day. I think it was a good way for our family to recuperate and spend time together. We sure have lots to be thankful for!
I was a little worried about spending the day by ourselves but it turned out to be quite wonderful. We spent lots of time as a family -- playing at the school playground, doing craft projects, eating meals as a family, etc. It was nice and refreshing.
On a walk today I was thinking about how we have spent Thanksgiving in the past....
2004- In Minneapolis - with Victor and his parents (my first time meeting them) - ate at a buffet
2005- At my parents - all 3 boys were home -- preparing for the big wedding day
2006- We hosted in our new house in Waukesha -- both sides of the family were there. We may have mentioned that we were hoping to get pregnant and it was taking longer than we would like.
2007 - Erik was 2 months old and we were living in DC. We drove up to Princeton and celebrated with the Lee's and Chen's. Erik screamed for about 3 hours on the way home.
2008- We hosted in our Alexandria, VA house. The Chens plus Hanna, Clara, and Kathleen were there. I was 9 weeks pregnant with Lainey (unannounced and not feeling well).
2009-We were in WI - all of my brothers were home. Both Erik and Lainey had ear infections.
2010 - At our new house in California, MD -- just the 4 of us, plus baby #3. Quiet, peaceful, and relaxing.
We had a nice day. I think it was a good way for our family to recuperate and spend time together. We sure have lots to be thankful for!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tired but still thankful
There have been a lot of unpleasant things to deal with this week....
1) Erik's terrible allergic reaction....
He is on day 3 of prednisolone. He still has hives but they are about 75% improved. I have been able to cut back on the benadryl a little -- sometimes giving him 6mg instead of 12mg but he still needs it every 4-6 hours. He will be on the prednisolone through Thursday. I am hoping the hives are completely gone by then and don't get worse when we stop them. We have seen enough of the ER.
2) Elaina's double ear infection....
She is still miserable. The antibiotics she is on (omnicef) are giving her terrible diarrhea. She has pooped 20+ times since yesterday even waking up in the middle of the night with a dirty diaper. She threw up once this morning from it too (first time the baby has ever thrown up).
3) Poorly run pediatrician's office...
I called this morning to try and make a follow up appointment for Erik. We are supposed to be seen this week and as I mentioned I am quite nervous that his symptoms will come back after the steroids are finished since his hives are still present. They told me the earliest they could see me is next Monday. The entire office is closed for the week. What?! Nice.
To top that off I told them about how miserable Lainey is on the antibiotics and asked the receptionist to please leave a message for the pediatrician on call so we can switch it. She said that wasn't possible but I could make an appointment for her on Monday (approx. a week from now). Right! That's an acceptable option. She said the only way we can get her different antibiotics is to have her seen in the office which is closed until Monday. If we can't wait a week to change her antibiotics we need to take her back to the Urgent Care/ER. I asked if she was going to pay my $100 deductible for all ER/Urgent Care visits. She didn't find that amusing. Seriously who has to take a baby back to the doctor just to have them switch to a new antibiotic. Not standard practice at any other clinic we have been seen at. So now I am left with a baby with 2 red, infected ears terribly miserable from the antibiotics with no good option to get new drugs. I am going to try to call and talk to the after-hours on-call doctor tonight to see if he/she is any more helpful than the receptionist.
4) Phone trouble...
Today at the playground an little girl was trying to drink from our water bottle which was in the back pocket of the stroller. Her mom took it from her and put the water bottle on top of the stroller which happened to be open and right next to my (very expensive) phone. I didn't realize this until we got home only to find that my phone had been sitting in a deep pool of water for 30+ minutes. It will not turn on and I am certain will need replaced. We do have it insured but I am fairly confident they don't cover water damage. Wonderful.
The other mom has no idea what happened and is really nice - not her fault really but so frustrating.
Anyway, it has been a very looong week. However, never for a second will I forget how grateful I should be for all the blessings in my life... loving and hard working husband, healthy kids, new baby on the way, beautiful new house, ability to stay home with my kids, supportive friends and family. My heart is especially sad for my cousin's family who truly has to search for (and finds) reasons to be thankful this season after their sweet baby Jake died. Give those you love an extra tight squeeze this season for the moms and dads who can't hug their babies until they see them in heaven and try not to lose sight of how wonderful your life is even when things seem not so great. It's helps to keep things in perspective -- at least it seems to help me. Happy Thanksgiving - if I don't update again before that.
1) Erik's terrible allergic reaction....
He is on day 3 of prednisolone. He still has hives but they are about 75% improved. I have been able to cut back on the benadryl a little -- sometimes giving him 6mg instead of 12mg but he still needs it every 4-6 hours. He will be on the prednisolone through Thursday. I am hoping the hives are completely gone by then and don't get worse when we stop them. We have seen enough of the ER.
2) Elaina's double ear infection....
She is still miserable. The antibiotics she is on (omnicef) are giving her terrible diarrhea. She has pooped 20+ times since yesterday even waking up in the middle of the night with a dirty diaper. She threw up once this morning from it too (first time the baby has ever thrown up).
3) Poorly run pediatrician's office...
I called this morning to try and make a follow up appointment for Erik. We are supposed to be seen this week and as I mentioned I am quite nervous that his symptoms will come back after the steroids are finished since his hives are still present. They told me the earliest they could see me is next Monday. The entire office is closed for the week. What?! Nice.
To top that off I told them about how miserable Lainey is on the antibiotics and asked the receptionist to please leave a message for the pediatrician on call so we can switch it. She said that wasn't possible but I could make an appointment for her on Monday (approx. a week from now). Right! That's an acceptable option. She said the only way we can get her different antibiotics is to have her seen in the office which is closed until Monday. If we can't wait a week to change her antibiotics we need to take her back to the Urgent Care/ER. I asked if she was going to pay my $100 deductible for all ER/Urgent Care visits. She didn't find that amusing. Seriously who has to take a baby back to the doctor just to have them switch to a new antibiotic. Not standard practice at any other clinic we have been seen at. So now I am left with a baby with 2 red, infected ears terribly miserable from the antibiotics with no good option to get new drugs. I am going to try to call and talk to the after-hours on-call doctor tonight to see if he/she is any more helpful than the receptionist.
4) Phone trouble...
Today at the playground an little girl was trying to drink from our water bottle which was in the back pocket of the stroller. Her mom took it from her and put the water bottle on top of the stroller which happened to be open and right next to my (very expensive) phone. I didn't realize this until we got home only to find that my phone had been sitting in a deep pool of water for 30+ minutes. It will not turn on and I am certain will need replaced. We do have it insured but I am fairly confident they don't cover water damage. Wonderful.
The other mom has no idea what happened and is really nice - not her fault really but so frustrating.
Anyway, it has been a very looong week. However, never for a second will I forget how grateful I should be for all the blessings in my life... loving and hard working husband, healthy kids, new baby on the way, beautiful new house, ability to stay home with my kids, supportive friends and family. My heart is especially sad for my cousin's family who truly has to search for (and finds) reasons to be thankful this season after their sweet baby Jake died. Give those you love an extra tight squeeze this season for the moms and dads who can't hug their babies until they see them in heaven and try not to lose sight of how wonderful your life is even when things seem not so great. It's helps to keep things in perspective -- at least it seems to help me. Happy Thanksgiving - if I don't update again before that.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Dial For Men -- safety info
Go here to see more safety, or should I say danger, info regarding Dial Body Wash...
Harmful product info
Clearly Dial is aware of these possible reactions and has done nothing. This makes me want to shake someone and scream and yell at them.
For a list of safer products go here....
Safer soaps
According to the cosmetic database these are the top three ingredients most likely to have caused such a severe allergic reaction....
Harmful product info
Clearly Dial is aware of these possible reactions and has done nothing. This makes me want to shake someone and scream and yell at them.
For a list of safer products go here....
Safer soaps
According to the cosmetic database these are the top three ingredients most likely to have caused such a severe allergic reaction....
What Caused It?
Wouldn't it be nice to know exactly what ingredient inVictor's "Dial For Men" Body Wash caused Erik to break into one giant hive, who couldn't breathe well on Friday night?
Here are the ingredients. Feel free to take a guess at which one it was. I have no idea what the answer is so your guess is as good as mine. All I know is that the 5-10% of products that had been in our house with this type of ingredient list (I had already replaced most of them) are now gone.
Sodium Laureth Sulfate
Cocamidopropyl Betaine
Sodium Chloride
PPG-2 Hydroethyl Coco/isostearamide
Cocamidopropyl PG-Dimonium Chloride
DMDM Hydanton
Citric Acid
Tetrasodium EDTA
Blue 1
Red 33
Doesn't that sound refreshing??
Here are the ingredients. Feel free to take a guess at which one it was. I have no idea what the answer is so your guess is as good as mine. All I know is that the 5-10% of products that had been in our house with this type of ingredient list (I had already replaced most of them) are now gone.
Sodium Laureth Sulfate
Cocamidopropyl Betaine
Sodium Chloride
PPG-2 Hydroethyl Coco/isostearamide
Cocamidopropyl PG-Dimonium Chloride
DMDM Hydanton
Citric Acid
Tetrasodium EDTA
Blue 1
Red 33
Doesn't that sound refreshing??
Scary, part 2
We ended up in the ER again last night. Erik's hive got significantly worse yesterday afternoon. For the early part of the day they were primarily all over his legs but between 3 and 5 pm they spread across his chest, back, neck, and face again. He wasn't having the same respiratory issues but it seemed like it was heading in that direction so back to the ER we went.
I should mention that he got a total of 68 mg of Benadryl during a 22 hour period yesterday (maximum allowable dose was 75 mg in 24 hours) and his hives got significantly worse despite that.
In the ER we saw the same PA who quickly went to get the ER doctor. She was concerned and consulted the pediatrician (no peds ER here). Anyway, the pediatrician felt it was unusual, but not unheard of, for the hives to get worse after a dose of decadron (he was given that Friday night). The pediatrician suggested they give Erik a 30 mg "bolus" of prednisolone and then keep him on it for 5 days (15 mg bid). In addition we need to keep up with the 12.5 mg of Benadryl every 4 hours until his hives are gone - never going over 75mg in a 24 hour period.
They sent us home with the instruction to bring him back if we hadn't noticed improvement by 11 pm and they would admit him overnight - primarily for observation in case he developed respiratory symptoms again.
He fell asleep around 9 pm on the couch. At 11 pm things looked about the same/maybe slightly better so we tucked him into bed (Victor slept with him last night).
This morning he is better again. Most of his hives are from his butt down. His face and neck are pretty clear and there are only sporadic patches on his chest and back. I am hopeful that the steroids will be the fix and it will only get better from here. I will let you know. We are supposed to take him back to the ped tomorrow for an ER follow up visit.
To make this weekend even more fun Lainey is also sick. She has had a cough/cold for 2 weeks. I checked her ears on Thursday evening and noticed they looked red but kind of forgot about it until we were back in the ER last night. Thankfully, the PA just added her on and confirmed a bilateral ear infection (#6) so she is now on Omnicef. Hopefully, soon our kids will both feel better and start sleeping again.
Here are a few photos of ER trip #2 (no tears from me this time)...
It's hard to see on these stellar photos but basically his entire face was covered in hives along with his neck and large areas of his chest, back, arms, legs, butt, and groin.
I think that my sweet, although recently-temperamental boy, may get just about anything he asks for this week.
I should mention that he got a total of 68 mg of Benadryl during a 22 hour period yesterday (maximum allowable dose was 75 mg in 24 hours) and his hives got significantly worse despite that.
In the ER we saw the same PA who quickly went to get the ER doctor. She was concerned and consulted the pediatrician (no peds ER here). Anyway, the pediatrician felt it was unusual, but not unheard of, for the hives to get worse after a dose of decadron (he was given that Friday night). The pediatrician suggested they give Erik a 30 mg "bolus" of prednisolone and then keep him on it for 5 days (15 mg bid). In addition we need to keep up with the 12.5 mg of Benadryl every 4 hours until his hives are gone - never going over 75mg in a 24 hour period.
They sent us home with the instruction to bring him back if we hadn't noticed improvement by 11 pm and they would admit him overnight - primarily for observation in case he developed respiratory symptoms again.
He fell asleep around 9 pm on the couch. At 11 pm things looked about the same/maybe slightly better so we tucked him into bed (Victor slept with him last night).
This morning he is better again. Most of his hives are from his butt down. His face and neck are pretty clear and there are only sporadic patches on his chest and back. I am hopeful that the steroids will be the fix and it will only get better from here. I will let you know. We are supposed to take him back to the ped tomorrow for an ER follow up visit.
To make this weekend even more fun Lainey is also sick. She has had a cough/cold for 2 weeks. I checked her ears on Thursday evening and noticed they looked red but kind of forgot about it until we were back in the ER last night. Thankfully, the PA just added her on and confirmed a bilateral ear infection (#6) so she is now on Omnicef. Hopefully, soon our kids will both feel better and start sleeping again.
Here are a few photos of ER trip #2 (no tears from me this time)...
It's hard to see on these stellar photos but basically his entire face was covered in hives along with his neck and large areas of his chest, back, arms, legs, butt, and groin.
I think that my sweet, although recently-temperamental boy, may get just about anything he asks for this week.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Poor Erik ended up in the ER last night with a significant allergic reaction to Dial Body Wash. I had been able to control the hives pretty well throughout the day with Benadryl and Claritin (It started at 6:15 in the morning after he took a shower with Victor who innocently scrubbed him up with his body wash). It was still the worst hives he has ever had by a long shot but he wasn't having any other symptoms. I talked to the pediatrician around 1 pm to make sure I was giving an appropriate dose of Benadryl. I was -- he told me Erik could have a total of 30 mg during the day plus the 5mg of Claritin I had given him. I should wake him up at night after 6 hours to keep him "dosed".
Anyway, things were fairly well controlled. I looked at his rash the last time around 4:30pm. It was still bad but not any worse than the rest of the day.
I left for a doctor's appointment and ran some errands. When I got back around 7:30 Erik was due for the last 6 mg of Benadryl and itching like crazy. Victor gave him the dose and took him up for a bath. I went to check on him and saw that his hives had spread over approximately 75% of his body. Way way worse than a few hours ago.
We headed to the ER around 8pm. When we got there he started coughing and coughing. It was fairly mild but after about a half an hour or so his cough became very intense, he could barely catch his breath in between, and started vomiting.
I suspected this was a respiratory response/distress secondary to the allergic reaction. I called the nurse who confirmed that he had wheezing throughout his lungs. His pulse ox was 95% so not really low but he was very uncomfortable.
They gave him another 12.5 mg of Benadryl (now up to 43 mg for the day -- a lot for a 33 pound kid) and a dose of Decadron (steroids). He was able to calm down over the next 30 minutes or so and within an hour was sound asleep in my arms.
We got home around 10:30 pm. He slept until 5 am (with me right next to him - not really sleeping). I gave him another 12.5 mg of Benadryl and was able to get him to go back to sleep until about 8 am.
This morning his rash is down to about 30-40% of his body -- much less angry than last night. He is still coughing some and has mild wheezes throughout his lungs. The steroids max effect should peak later today so I am sure he will be okay but hearing him cough and wheeze always makes me anxious.
We are supposed to give him 12.5 mg of Benadryl every 4-6 hours until the rash is gone. Please pray that it goes away quickly and his cough/wheeze resolves. I think he will be fine but definitely makes me nervous.
I am so thankful that I took him in when I did. I am not sure what I would have done if he started coughing/wheezing/vomiting while I was home still? Would I have called the ambulance? given him the epi pen? or just sped as fast as I could to the ER? I am glad I didn't have to make that decision.
I was able to hold it together completely until the drive home from the ER. I just cried the whole way home. It is still is making me cry to think about it and I am so thankful he is okay.
One comical moment -- he puked all over his pants/underwear while in the ER which got wrapped up in the sheet and put in the laundry. I had an extra set of clothes in the car but I wasn't able to go get it so I had to carry him outside in his shirt with a hospital gown wrapped around him. He didn't wake up when I put him in the car so he rode home with a naked bottom half. Good thing it is still mild weather here!
Here are some photos I took on my phone while in the ER....
I didn't take any photos of his legs but they were pretty much one large red welt. His bottom and groin were even affected. Awful!
Leg photos at 11:00 am on Saturday (30 hrs after initial reaction - post 70mg of benadryl, 5mg of claritin, and decadron).....
Anyway, things were fairly well controlled. I looked at his rash the last time around 4:30pm. It was still bad but not any worse than the rest of the day.
I left for a doctor's appointment and ran some errands. When I got back around 7:30 Erik was due for the last 6 mg of Benadryl and itching like crazy. Victor gave him the dose and took him up for a bath. I went to check on him and saw that his hives had spread over approximately 75% of his body. Way way worse than a few hours ago.
We headed to the ER around 8pm. When we got there he started coughing and coughing. It was fairly mild but after about a half an hour or so his cough became very intense, he could barely catch his breath in between, and started vomiting.
I suspected this was a respiratory response/distress secondary to the allergic reaction. I called the nurse who confirmed that he had wheezing throughout his lungs. His pulse ox was 95% so not really low but he was very uncomfortable.
They gave him another 12.5 mg of Benadryl (now up to 43 mg for the day -- a lot for a 33 pound kid) and a dose of Decadron (steroids). He was able to calm down over the next 30 minutes or so and within an hour was sound asleep in my arms.
We got home around 10:30 pm. He slept until 5 am (with me right next to him - not really sleeping). I gave him another 12.5 mg of Benadryl and was able to get him to go back to sleep until about 8 am.
This morning his rash is down to about 30-40% of his body -- much less angry than last night. He is still coughing some and has mild wheezes throughout his lungs. The steroids max effect should peak later today so I am sure he will be okay but hearing him cough and wheeze always makes me anxious.
We are supposed to give him 12.5 mg of Benadryl every 4-6 hours until the rash is gone. Please pray that it goes away quickly and his cough/wheeze resolves. I think he will be fine but definitely makes me nervous.
I am so thankful that I took him in when I did. I am not sure what I would have done if he started coughing/wheezing/vomiting while I was home still? Would I have called the ambulance? given him the epi pen? or just sped as fast as I could to the ER? I am glad I didn't have to make that decision.
I was able to hold it together completely until the drive home from the ER. I just cried the whole way home. It is still is making me cry to think about it and I am so thankful he is okay.
One comical moment -- he puked all over his pants/underwear while in the ER which got wrapped up in the sheet and put in the laundry. I had an extra set of clothes in the car but I wasn't able to go get it so I had to carry him outside in his shirt with a hospital gown wrapped around him. He didn't wake up when I put him in the car so he rode home with a naked bottom half. Good thing it is still mild weather here!
Here are some photos I took on my phone while in the ER....
I didn't take any photos of his legs but they were pretty much one large red welt. His bottom and groin were even affected. Awful!
Leg photos at 11:00 am on Saturday (30 hrs after initial reaction - post 70mg of benadryl, 5mg of claritin, and decadron).....
Friday, November 19, 2010
I've found a new one!
Previously my list of "enemies" included....
Tree Nuts
Eggs - has redeemed itself
Anything outdoors with pollen between March-June
Some furry animals
Chemical-based/scented laundry detergent
Acrylic Paint
Most recently added to the list.....
Well, Erik hopped in the shower with Victor this morning and Victor lathered him up with his body wash. Erik, who has never been exposed to anything but chemical-free body soap, did not respond well.
I have found it very difficult to photograph welts and allergic rashes but believe me when I tell you this poor boy is covered from forehead to ankles with hives and an allergic (very, very itchy) rash. So the kid is drugged up on a dose of benadryl big enough to cause me to sleep for 8 hours (at 6:30 in the morning). He is doing remarkably well at not scratching. Poor thing.
Prior to this reaction I have already replaced lots of things in our house with chemical free, organic products including....
Dish soap
Hand soap
Kids shampoo
Sun screen
Bug spray
Most household cleaners
Laundry detergent
Pots and Pans
Most plastics
All that is really left is....
Victor and my shampoo/soap
shaving cream
Diet Coke (I can't/won't cut my one can a day out yet) -- yes, I know I am pouring chemicals straight down the hatch
Anyway, our old soap has now been tossed and replaced. Not sure when I will switch the last things on the list.
Don't you just want to give my poor boy a hug? My friend Laurie had a similar reaction to soap when we were in PA school. Her rash didn't clear for weeks. I think I will pull my hair out if my poor boy has a horrible, itchy rash for weeks.
I know many of you who read this blog have made similar switches in your households. What are some of your favorite products??
Final thought.....
Previously my list of "enemies" included....
Tree Nuts
Eggs - has redeemed itself
Anything outdoors with pollen between March-June
Some furry animals
Chemical-based/scented laundry detergent
Acrylic Paint
Most recently added to the list.....
Well, Erik hopped in the shower with Victor this morning and Victor lathered him up with his body wash. Erik, who has never been exposed to anything but chemical-free body soap, did not respond well.
I have found it very difficult to photograph welts and allergic rashes but believe me when I tell you this poor boy is covered from forehead to ankles with hives and an allergic (very, very itchy) rash. So the kid is drugged up on a dose of benadryl big enough to cause me to sleep for 8 hours (at 6:30 in the morning). He is doing remarkably well at not scratching. Poor thing.
Prior to this reaction I have already replaced lots of things in our house with chemical free, organic products including....
Dish soap
Hand soap
Kids shampoo
Sun screen
Bug spray
Most household cleaners
Laundry detergent
Pots and Pans
Most plastics
All that is really left is....
Victor and my shampoo/soap
shaving cream
Diet Coke (I can't/won't cut my one can a day out yet) -- yes, I know I am pouring chemicals straight down the hatch
Anyway, our old soap has now been tossed and replaced. Not sure when I will switch the last things on the list.
Don't you just want to give my poor boy a hug? My friend Laurie had a similar reaction to soap when we were in PA school. Her rash didn't clear for weeks. I think I will pull my hair out if my poor boy has a horrible, itchy rash for weeks.
I know many of you who read this blog have made similar switches in your households. What are some of your favorite products??
Final thought.....
Many scientists are concerned about the toxic chemicals in foaming bath products, such as dyes and detergents, being absorbed through the skin and scrambling hormone signals. The US EPA concluded in 1997 that hormone- disrupting chemicals like these can lead to disturbing health effects, including cancer, sterility and developmental problems. What can you do? Let us introduce you to a whole new concept in body cleansing - 100% natural and chemical- free. TERRESSENTIALS Body Washes are most definitely not detergents - many other body washes are made from the same detergents used for washing floors and dishes! According to the dictionary, natural means "existing in or formed by nature without human intervention." That means ingredients like naturally-occurring minerals and organic plant extracts - not ammonium laureth sulfate, decyl polyglucose and cyclopolymethicone. And yet, some companies will tell you that natural means anything that originated somewhere on earth - no matter what they did to it afterwards. A truly natural body cleanser does not contain potentially cancer-causing cocamide DEA, lauramide DEA, sodium lauryl or laureth sulfate, cocoamidopropyl betaine, olefin sulfonate, disodium cocoamphodi-acetate, EDTA, soy, wheat or oat (hydrolyzed) proteins, MSG, methyl, propyl or butyl parabens, diazolidinyl urea, triclosan, quaternarium 15, sodium benzoate, FD&C colors or synthetic fragrance. In 1997, The National Toxicology Board declared that DEA, MEA and TEA compounds are carcinogenic. Some of the other ingredients release or contain formaldehyde, another known carcinogen. Because 60% of any substance applied to your skin is absorbed into your body (which is how estrogen and nicotine patches work), we feel that body care products should be made only from the purest ingredients. This is why we don't use so-called cosmetic grade herbal extracts with hidden petrochemical preservatives (that aren't required to be listed on the product label) and, instead, use more expensive herbal extracts that were made for human consumption. We use ingredients with names you can pronounce and many that you have eaten. Perhaps this is why E - The Environmental Magazine - called our offerings "the purest of the pure." |
Thursday, November 18, 2010
It's not easy being green three!!
Tantrums have become quite common. How many months until he is four??
That being said this dramatic little guy can be as sweet as pie; he just seems to be disturbed by more things than he used to be which leads to frustration and crying.
At 17 months the world seems quite delightful!
At least I only have one crabby kid at a time -- good luck when the twins are 3 Kristal!
I am hoping his laid back demeanor resurfaces once we are more settled. We'll see!
Monday, November 15, 2010
17 months
Cute is the word I would use to sum up Lainey. She is a silly, fun, sassy baby who is full of life. She has a great sense of humor (laughs out loud if anyone burps or farts), is very busy and playful, and full of life. She dances and claps the second she hears music -- if she is ticked about being in her car seat she almost always stops fussing the instant I turn on music. She loves people and doesn't shy away from attention.
She is learning a lot. She can repeat lots of words now. She makes an attempt to repeat almost everything.
She has eaten better the past few weeks which is good. She loves spaghetti, pizza (cheese-less), subway sandwiches, fruit, crackers (any snack food really), and beans.
She has been healthy this month except a mild cold. She still has 8 teeth. I think she is about 21 pounds. Long and skinny. She wears 18-24 month tops and 12 month bottoms. The bottoms are too short but the 18 month pants fall off of her no matter how tight I make them.
She is a joy who brings a smile to my face almost every moment I am around her! We love you lots Lainey!
She is learning a lot. She can repeat lots of words now. She makes an attempt to repeat almost everything.
She has eaten better the past few weeks which is good. She loves spaghetti, pizza (cheese-less), subway sandwiches, fruit, crackers (any snack food really), and beans.
She has been healthy this month except a mild cold. She still has 8 teeth. I think she is about 21 pounds. Long and skinny. She wears 18-24 month tops and 12 month bottoms. The bottoms are too short but the 18 month pants fall off of her no matter how tight I make them.
She is a joy who brings a smile to my face almost every moment I am around her! We love you lots Lainey!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Southern Maryland
Remember when I told you I was in a "funk" a couple of months ago. I think some of that is still lingering. Not a funk so much -- just feeling frustrated more often than I usually do.
This afternoon, after going to the gym, I spent sometime by myself and drove down to Look Out Point. This is the southern most tip of southern Maryland -- about 30 miles south of our house. Being surrounded by beautiful trees in peak color and hearing the waves lap up against the rocks is extremely peaceful. Also, a great reminder of the great Creator who made it all and will be there to help me feel less frustrated.
Anyway, here are some photos from my phone of the beautiful sites not far from our house....
Point Look Out - in Southern Maryland was a battleground. Their was a large prison which held Confederate soldiers and local citizens. Thousands of people died in prison. The above picture is a memorial in remembrance of the confederate soldiers who died in prison/battle at this site. Below is a cemetery/mass grave for those soldiers. Apparently there was also a large hospital located on this peninsula. It operated for 3 years and then was sold and destroyed.
For those who come to visit there is a coastal beach only about 5 miles from our house -- no need to drive 40 minutes for ocean beach access! Yay!
This afternoon, after going to the gym, I spent sometime by myself and drove down to Look Out Point. This is the southern most tip of southern Maryland -- about 30 miles south of our house. Being surrounded by beautiful trees in peak color and hearing the waves lap up against the rocks is extremely peaceful. Also, a great reminder of the great Creator who made it all and will be there to help me feel less frustrated.
Anyway, here are some photos from my phone of the beautiful sites not far from our house....
Point Look Out - in Southern Maryland was a battleground. Their was a large prison which held Confederate soldiers and local citizens. Thousands of people died in prison. The above picture is a memorial in remembrance of the confederate soldiers who died in prison/battle at this site. Below is a cemetery/mass grave for those soldiers. Apparently there was also a large hospital located on this peninsula. It operated for 3 years and then was sold and destroyed.
For those who come to visit there is a coastal beach only about 5 miles from our house -- no need to drive 40 minutes for ocean beach access! Yay!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Baby #3 -- photos at 21 weeks
21 weeks down...16-19 to go depending on when this baby shows up. Things are going well. My 30 second appointment this week went fine -- no concerns. Baby is growing well -- he was 1 pound at my ultrasound (20 weeks 4 days). I measured 21 weeks. I am up 4-5 pounds.
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7 weeks |
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12 weeks |
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BOY! |
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21 weeks--Isn't he cute? |
21 weeks - baby #3 |
21 weeks |
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Baby #3
I just got back from my "big" ultrasound. Thankfully, the baby looks healthy. The doctor hasn't read the actual report yet but nothing abnormal was found by the tech.
Baby was NOT very cooperative. It was squished down under my pelvic bone as low as it could possibly get. It did open it's legs for us though and this is what we saw....
I truly have no preference girl vs boy -- just healthy. I love knowing though and immediately feel a little more bonded once I know girl vs boy.
Was I surprised? Slightly. I had a dream at the end of the first trimester that the baby was a girl named Amelia Grace which affected my thinking a bit. Overall though, this pregnancy has been much more similar to Erik's -- less morning sickness, slightly slower weight gain, overall I feel better (aside from the GI virus that lasted 4 weeks) than I did with Lainey. I know that means nothing but for those reasons I suspected maybe my dream was incorrect and that baby was a boy.
Erik has been saying all along that it is a girl. He seems happy about a boy though and seemed to get it immediately. Saying, "Now I will be like Zach." Referring to our neighbor boy who just had a baby brother born 2 weeks ago.
Victor couldn't come to the ultrasound today -- it was during the kids nap times plus they don't let kids in the room (and we don't have a sitter yet). Hence, the cake! I let Erik tell Victor what color the letters were.
Baby weighs approximately 1 pound (70%) and measured out to be due on 3/22/2011. This won't change my due date from the 26th but I think it is interesting. I will post ultrasound photos and belly photos soon.
We are so thankful and blessed to be welcoming another baby into our family!
Baby was NOT very cooperative. It was squished down under my pelvic bone as low as it could possibly get. It did open it's legs for us though and this is what we saw....
I truly have no preference girl vs boy -- just healthy. I love knowing though and immediately feel a little more bonded once I know girl vs boy.
Was I surprised? Slightly. I had a dream at the end of the first trimester that the baby was a girl named Amelia Grace which affected my thinking a bit. Overall though, this pregnancy has been much more similar to Erik's -- less morning sickness, slightly slower weight gain, overall I feel better (aside from the GI virus that lasted 4 weeks) than I did with Lainey. I know that means nothing but for those reasons I suspected maybe my dream was incorrect and that baby was a boy.
Erik has been saying all along that it is a girl. He seems happy about a boy though and seemed to get it immediately. Saying, "Now I will be like Zach." Referring to our neighbor boy who just had a baby brother born 2 weeks ago.
Victor couldn't come to the ultrasound today -- it was during the kids nap times plus they don't let kids in the room (and we don't have a sitter yet). Hence, the cake! I let Erik tell Victor what color the letters were.
Baby weighs approximately 1 pound (70%) and measured out to be due on 3/22/2011. This won't change my due date from the 26th but I think it is interesting. I will post ultrasound photos and belly photos soon.
We are so thankful and blessed to be welcoming another baby into our family!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Salmon "Salad"
I read the book "Real Food" by Nina Planck recently. It is a good read and has changed the way I shop for and prepare food. I will probably do a post on the book soon but thought I would mention it as one change I am making is to incorporate more fish into our diets.
For those of you who know me well you will know that I really dislike anything that comes from the sea. In the pursuit of health I am going to learn how to like it. Here is one "fish dish" that I thought was scrumptious.....
8 ounces of cooked salmon (I used wild alaskan pink salmon) - diced -- canned would work
Red pepper
Dried Cranberries
Avocado - diced
Small amount of mayo (the "healthy" grocery store here sells a safflower mayo) - that is what I used
Mix together
Serve with whole grain wild rice -- I added a small amount of butter, cumin, garlic, and cilantro to the rice. I would have added lime juice too but I didn't have any.
I also roasted broccoli with garlic and olive oil.
YUM! Easy, healthy dinner.
Erik ate it; Lainey wouldn't touch it.
If we didn't have nut allergies in the house I would have added pistachios to the "salmon salad" as well.
For those of you who know me well you will know that I really dislike anything that comes from the sea. In the pursuit of health I am going to learn how to like it. Here is one "fish dish" that I thought was scrumptious.....
8 ounces of cooked salmon (I used wild alaskan pink salmon) - diced -- canned would work
Red pepper
Dried Cranberries
Avocado - diced
Small amount of mayo (the "healthy" grocery store here sells a safflower mayo) - that is what I used
Mix together
Serve with whole grain wild rice -- I added a small amount of butter, cumin, garlic, and cilantro to the rice. I would have added lime juice too but I didn't have any.
I also roasted broccoli with garlic and olive oil.
YUM! Easy, healthy dinner.
Erik ate it; Lainey wouldn't touch it.
If we didn't have nut allergies in the house I would have added pistachios to the "salmon salad" as well.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Mexican Lasagna
I made this dinner -- it was easy and good plus different from what I make on a regular basis
12-16 ounces of ground meat (I used "free-range" chicken)
16 ounces of cottage cheese
1/2-1 cup of sour cream
1 can of refried beans
1 can of black beans
1 can of corn
Salsa ( I used medium black bean/corn salsa)
Cheese -- I used a mixture of shredded monetary jack and cheddar)
Cumin (2 tsp)
Oregano (2 tsp)
Garlic (1tsp)
Water (about a can of water)
Lasagna noodles (I am guessing you could use corn tortillas if needing to be gluten free)
Brown ground meat. Add spices and refried beans plus water until smooth consistency.
Mix salsa and cottage cheese together (separate from meat).
Layer in 9x13 pan...
lasagna noodles
Spread 1/2 of meat mixture on top
Spread 1/3 of salsa and cottage cheese mixture
Can of black beans
Shredded cheese
Lasagna noodles
1/2 meat mixture
1/3 of salsa mixture
1/2 can of corn
Shredded cheese
Lasagna noodles
Rest of salsa mixture (I added about 1 cup of sour cream to it at this point)
Shredded Cheese
Bake at 350 for 50-60 minutes.
Lainey chowed down - Erik wouldn't touch it.
12-16 ounces of ground meat (I used "free-range" chicken)
16 ounces of cottage cheese
1/2-1 cup of sour cream
1 can of refried beans
1 can of black beans
1 can of corn
Salsa ( I used medium black bean/corn salsa)
Cheese -- I used a mixture of shredded monetary jack and cheddar)
Cumin (2 tsp)
Oregano (2 tsp)
Garlic (1tsp)
Water (about a can of water)
Lasagna noodles (I am guessing you could use corn tortillas if needing to be gluten free)
Brown ground meat. Add spices and refried beans plus water until smooth consistency.
Mix salsa and cottage cheese together (separate from meat).
Layer in 9x13 pan...
lasagna noodles
Spread 1/2 of meat mixture on top
Spread 1/3 of salsa and cottage cheese mixture
Can of black beans
Shredded cheese
Lasagna noodles
1/2 meat mixture
1/3 of salsa mixture
1/2 can of corn
Shredded cheese
Lasagna noodles
Rest of salsa mixture (I added about 1 cup of sour cream to it at this point)
Shredded Cheese
Bake at 350 for 50-60 minutes.
Lainey chowed down - Erik wouldn't touch it.
Preschool, part 3
Well, we made the decision. After talking to two neighbors - one who has her kid in Creative Beginnings and another who has her kid in Honey MacCallum plus talking to the directors again I decided that Creative Beginnings is the better school for Erik now. I could not get over the 30 kids in one classroom at Honey MacCallum.
Both neighbors were satisfied with the preschools their kids attend but the mom who has her kid in Honey MacCallum said that Creative Beginnings is supposed to be the favorite school in the area and if there was an opening that is where she would put her kid.
My concerns with that school were 1- lack of structure during the day 2- no focus on faith at all and 3-No 5 year old program.
The faith/church emphasis won't be there but there is more structure to the day than was first relayed to me. They have a theme every month -- this month is Libraries and Books. Each day they also have 3 scheduled activities -- circle time, movement/music, and art or cooking. The parents are given a calendar with the schedule of activities so you know what to ask your kid about.
I am not sure what we will do when Erik turns 5 for preschool as this program doesn't offer anything. I found one other preschool in the area that sounds better than any of the ones I looked at but it has a LONG wait list so it isn't an option now. I will probably tour it at some point and may switch him to that next fall if it is as impressive as it sounds. It has a program for 5 year old kids, is faith based, 90% of it's teachers have early childhood education degrees, limited class size to 16 with 2 teachers, has a curriculum that follows that State of Maryland's board of education recommendations, and has programs for kids 2-5. I think it sounds fantastic but haven't seen it and as I said it is not an option for this year.
Anyway-- I feel good about the school we picked for the rest of the year. I hope Erik loves it as well. I'll let you know. He will start after Thanksgiving on December 2nd. Thanks for all your input!
Here is a link to the school if interested.... Creative Beginnings
Both neighbors were satisfied with the preschools their kids attend but the mom who has her kid in Honey MacCallum said that Creative Beginnings is supposed to be the favorite school in the area and if there was an opening that is where she would put her kid.
My concerns with that school were 1- lack of structure during the day 2- no focus on faith at all and 3-No 5 year old program.
The faith/church emphasis won't be there but there is more structure to the day than was first relayed to me. They have a theme every month -- this month is Libraries and Books. Each day they also have 3 scheduled activities -- circle time, movement/music, and art or cooking. The parents are given a calendar with the schedule of activities so you know what to ask your kid about.
I am not sure what we will do when Erik turns 5 for preschool as this program doesn't offer anything. I found one other preschool in the area that sounds better than any of the ones I looked at but it has a LONG wait list so it isn't an option now. I will probably tour it at some point and may switch him to that next fall if it is as impressive as it sounds. It has a program for 5 year old kids, is faith based, 90% of it's teachers have early childhood education degrees, limited class size to 16 with 2 teachers, has a curriculum that follows that State of Maryland's board of education recommendations, and has programs for kids 2-5. I think it sounds fantastic but haven't seen it and as I said it is not an option for this year.
Anyway-- I feel good about the school we picked for the rest of the year. I hope Erik loves it as well. I'll let you know. He will start after Thanksgiving on December 2nd. Thanks for all your input!
Here is a link to the school if interested.... Creative Beginnings
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Sweet Lainey
Baby swing Lainey discovered in the basement and LOVES! |
I, of course, have loved Lainey from the moment she was born (well actually before that) but I would have to say that as she gets older I just keep getting more and more smitten with the girl.
Lainey is funny. She makes me laugh out loud daily. She loves to play. She climbs up on the couch and jumps up from behind the cushions and yells, "BOO!" as loud as she can.
She is sassy but in a playful way. When I change her diaper she kicks me. She does this as a game and when I tell her, "No kicking!" she gets a huge grin on her face and kicks her little legs faster.
She loves to climb on everything! The couches, chairs, bar stools, tables, counters, slides, ladders, etc. If she is eating at the counter she always stands up on the bar stools when she is done (they have no back to them). Again when I tell her to sit down she gets a big old grin on her face and twinkle in her eye which suggest she is thinking, "Look at me!" She is quite proud of her climbing ability. (She did pull the bar stool on top of herself once which halted bar stool climbing briefly.)
She is sweet and affectionate. She LOVES her baby dolls, stuffed animals, real animals, and of course her family. She kisses the pictures of animals in her books and spends lots of time each day giving her stuffed animals, dolls, and family kisses.
You are a sweet little girl Lainey -- you are loved!
Videos of our busy girl....
Lainey climbs
Lainey swings
Pumpkin Muffins
I made these tonight -- they were great.
I made a couple alterations...
-butter instead of oil
-whole wheat flour
-whole can of pumpkin
-1/3 cup brown sugar and 1/4 cup granulated sugar
- handful of chocolate chips
They were great!
Preschool, part 2
Thanks for your input. We still haven't made a decision but it is definitely between 1 (Creative Beginnings) and 3 (Honey MacCallum). More in depth list of pros/cons/concerns....
Creative Beginnings....
1- Erik LOVED this classroom set up. He points out the school every time we drive by. Highlights of the classroom for Erik -- loft with a ladder to get into it for reading, digger sand table, fish tank.
2-Nice size classroom- 1:10 ratio but limited to 20 kids and 2 teachers.
3- No specific curriculum for 3 year old classroom. There are stations set up each day -- artwork (they were painting while we were there), sand table, math center, reading center, kitchen and dress up. I think they have circle time at least once a day with some sort of calendar/weather/lesson. Most of the day is kid-guided though. This seems odd to me but the classroom environment seemed quite warm/controlled when we were there.
4-No christian influence at all.
5- Good about getting kids outside all year round- unless raining.
6- No 5 year old option except full-blown kindergarten. If we send him here we would probably have him repeat the 3 year old class next year (which puts him with his eventual classmates).
Honey MacCallum-
1- Erik seemed quite comfortable at this school as well but not quite as excited.
2-1:10 teacher:student ratio but 30 kids in the class at a time -- this is a big concern to me
3-No specific curriculum for 3 year old program but the day seems more structured - specific lesson each day. Ranges from counting, letters, music, science. They are divided up into groups of 10 during this portion of the day. I like the more structured lessons.
4- Some type of biblical story/song each day -- this doesn't trump everything else but it is something we like.
5- Option for his 3rd year rather than just repeating a year.
6-Option for Lainey to go for 2.5 hours a week next year if I want her too.
7- Gym for rainy/cold days.
I am inclined to go with Honey MacCallum but I am bothered by the 30 kids/3 teachers in one classroom. I am also concerned that Erik seems quite a bit more excited about the other school. Not sure if those two things trump all of the benefits. What do you think??
Creative Beginnings....
1- Erik LOVED this classroom set up. He points out the school every time we drive by. Highlights of the classroom for Erik -- loft with a ladder to get into it for reading, digger sand table, fish tank.
2-Nice size classroom- 1:10 ratio but limited to 20 kids and 2 teachers.
3- No specific curriculum for 3 year old classroom. There are stations set up each day -- artwork (they were painting while we were there), sand table, math center, reading center, kitchen and dress up. I think they have circle time at least once a day with some sort of calendar/weather/lesson. Most of the day is kid-guided though. This seems odd to me but the classroom environment seemed quite warm/controlled when we were there.
4-No christian influence at all.
5- Good about getting kids outside all year round- unless raining.
6- No 5 year old option except full-blown kindergarten. If we send him here we would probably have him repeat the 3 year old class next year (which puts him with his eventual classmates).
Honey MacCallum-
1- Erik seemed quite comfortable at this school as well but not quite as excited.
2-1:10 teacher:student ratio but 30 kids in the class at a time -- this is a big concern to me
3-No specific curriculum for 3 year old program but the day seems more structured - specific lesson each day. Ranges from counting, letters, music, science. They are divided up into groups of 10 during this portion of the day. I like the more structured lessons.
4- Some type of biblical story/song each day -- this doesn't trump everything else but it is something we like.
5- Option for his 3rd year rather than just repeating a year.
6-Option for Lainey to go for 2.5 hours a week next year if I want her too.
7- Gym for rainy/cold days.
I am inclined to go with Honey MacCallum but I am bothered by the 30 kids/3 teachers in one classroom. I am also concerned that Erik seems quite a bit more excited about the other school. Not sure if those two things trump all of the benefits. What do you think??
Friday, November 5, 2010
I was going to wait until after Christmas to start Erik in preschool, if put him in it at all, but I have decided since neither he nor I know anyone yet it might be a good idea to start him now so he can get to know some new friends.
This week we have toured 3 preschools. I think I know which one we are going with but here are the basic pro's/con's of the programs. Let me know what you think....
1) Creative Beginnings...
Free standing school (not associated with a church).
Has a daycare too but that is separate from the preschool.
3 year old program is T/H mornings.
Student/Teacher ratio: 1:10
They have 20 kids with 2 teachers in a moderate size classroom.
The classroom is quite nice -- painting station, playdough table, sand table, dress up, kitchen, and a loft (with a ladder for the kids to climb up) for reading.
One teacher has a degree in physical education; the other has lots of experience teaching preschool.
Two teachers have taught together for 5-6 years.
Erik would be in 3 yr program this year, 4 yr program next year, then would have to switch schools for a 5 year old preschool program (he isn't eligible for kindergarten until the year he turns 6).
2) St. Andrews....
Free standing building on a church grounds but not really christian based.
Student/teacher ratio: 1:8
16 kids in very nice class room with 2 teachers.
No climbing tower for reading but similar stations -- very nice class.
I am not sure about the teachers backgrounds as the woman who gave me the tour was the teacher and I felt a little awkward asking her. She has been there for 5 years and would have Erik for two years in a row.
Erik would be in the 3 year old program this year, repeat the 3 year old program next year, and then do the 4 year old program the year before kindergarten (he will be 5).
For some reason Erik seemed quite uncomfortable at this school.
No openings currently - would be 3rd on wait list.
3) Honey MacCullum....
Held in a presbyterian church-- has a Christian foundation/focus.
Student/teacher ratio: 1:10
Up to 30 kids in a classroom with 3 teachers.
Classes are divided into individual groups of 10 for 50% of the day -- 50% of the day is one big group.
Only school with a big gym and music class.
Classroom is not as nice but similar set up. Toys look older, not as well decorated.
One teacher has an early childhood degree the other two do not -- not sure what there degrees are in. One of the teachers is the pastor's wife.
This school has a 2,3,4,4+, and kindergarten class. Erik would be in 2 day 3 year old class this year, 3 day 4 year old class next year, and then likely 5 morning a week 4 year old class (most of the older 4/5 year old kids are in this class) the last year.
The kindergarten program is intriguing although I would probably send Erik to public school for kindergarten but this program is limited to 15 students; if more than 10 students there will be a full time aide. The teacher has her master's degree in early childhood education.
Lainey could go one morning a week next fall - she would love it.
This week we have toured 3 preschools. I think I know which one we are going with but here are the basic pro's/con's of the programs. Let me know what you think....
1) Creative Beginnings...
Free standing school (not associated with a church).
Has a daycare too but that is separate from the preschool.
3 year old program is T/H mornings.
Student/Teacher ratio: 1:10
They have 20 kids with 2 teachers in a moderate size classroom.
The classroom is quite nice -- painting station, playdough table, sand table, dress up, kitchen, and a loft (with a ladder for the kids to climb up) for reading.
One teacher has a degree in physical education; the other has lots of experience teaching preschool.
Two teachers have taught together for 5-6 years.
Erik would be in 3 yr program this year, 4 yr program next year, then would have to switch schools for a 5 year old preschool program (he isn't eligible for kindergarten until the year he turns 6).
2) St. Andrews....
Free standing building on a church grounds but not really christian based.
Student/teacher ratio: 1:8
16 kids in very nice class room with 2 teachers.
No climbing tower for reading but similar stations -- very nice class.
I am not sure about the teachers backgrounds as the woman who gave me the tour was the teacher and I felt a little awkward asking her. She has been there for 5 years and would have Erik for two years in a row.
Erik would be in the 3 year old program this year, repeat the 3 year old program next year, and then do the 4 year old program the year before kindergarten (he will be 5).
For some reason Erik seemed quite uncomfortable at this school.
No openings currently - would be 3rd on wait list.
3) Honey MacCullum....
Held in a presbyterian church-- has a Christian foundation/focus.
Student/teacher ratio: 1:10
Up to 30 kids in a classroom with 3 teachers.
Classes are divided into individual groups of 10 for 50% of the day -- 50% of the day is one big group.
Only school with a big gym and music class.
Classroom is not as nice but similar set up. Toys look older, not as well decorated.
One teacher has an early childhood degree the other two do not -- not sure what there degrees are in. One of the teachers is the pastor's wife.
This school has a 2,3,4,4+, and kindergarten class. Erik would be in 2 day 3 year old class this year, 3 day 4 year old class next year, and then likely 5 morning a week 4 year old class (most of the older 4/5 year old kids are in this class) the last year.
The kindergarten program is intriguing although I would probably send Erik to public school for kindergarten but this program is limited to 15 students; if more than 10 students there will be a full time aide. The teacher has her master's degree in early childhood education.
Lainey could go one morning a week next fall - she would love it.
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