Thursday, September 30, 2010

3 year old Update

I have been meaning to do a post about what Erik is up to at 3 but keep putting it off. So here is what Erik is like at 3....


Good eater -- likes most food.  Favorite vegetable is carrots.  Favorite overall food is probably pepperoni pizza although he can only eat homemade pizza.  He has gotten sick from takeout pizza multiple times - too greasy.


Usually is asleep by 8:30 or 9:00 at night and sleeps until around 7:00 am.  Still takes a nap everyday - usually around 2 hours.  He occasionally wakes up at night -- this is usually because he was dreaming about something.


Erik is a sweet little boy.  He is pretty laid back and easy going.  He loves to read, play with his trains and blocks, play outside, ride his trike, listen to stories on CD, play with Lainey and his friends, gymnastics class, and help me around the house.  He is soft spoken when in new situations but has learned how to stand up for himself if needed.  He has good social skills and seeks out social interactions but does not like being the center of attention.  I don't not think he will ever be the class clown. 


As a three year old he does have opinions and sometimes doesn't agree with the opinions of his parents.  He responds well to being given choices most of the time. It seems to work best when I stay completely calm and patient with him no matter how he is behaving.  I am good at this most of the time. If he is unable to cooperate/regain control I usually just put him in his room.  He calms down quickly most of the time and I usually find him reading a book.  I have spanked him very rarely- once ever 3-4 months.  Not my favorite form of discipline.  Hopefully at his 3.5 or 4 year old check up I will figure out something different to do in the moments nothing else seems to be working.


No preschool this fall since we are moving.  I have been working with him a little at home.  He does recognize all his capital letters.  Y still gets called V at times.  He recognizes quite a few of his lower case letters but I don't know for sure how many.  b, p, and d are very confusing.  He counts to 13 before skipping numbers.  He recognizes the numbers 1-5 and 8 but this is a newer skill for him.  We are still working at it. 


I took him to see a naturopathic doctor this spring when his allergies were terrible.  Even with 3-4 allergy medicines he couldn't go outside last spring.  Anyway, since seeing the naturopathic doctor I have been able to stop all of his allergy medicine and reflux medicine.  He is taking Pulsatilla from the naturopathic doctor.

He still has a really sensitive stomach.  He throws up if he eats too much greasy food.  He seems to be bothered by lactose so we have him on lactose free milk.  He gets regular dairy products otherwise.

Food allergies - we have become more vigilant about making sure he has no exposure to any nut (although peanuts don't seem to bother him) and he has not had any reactions since then.  For a while we were thinking only walnuts would bother him -- this is NOT true.  All tree nuts are now on the list.


Height: 38 inches
Weight:  33 pounds (even)

Both fall around the 60%


I asked Erik a few questions because I thought it would be fun to look back at a few years from now.

Answered by Erik around his 3rd birthday...

Favorite color -- green  (this has recently switched from pink)
Best friend -- Lainey
Favorite outdoor activity -- digging in the sandbox
Want to be when big -- Work with heavy shovels
Favorite food -- carrots with hummus
Favorite book -- Train stories -- books with red cabooses in them
What do you do with mommy that is fun -- play with us
Favorite animals -- zebras

Erik, you are a delightful little boy.  I am so glad to be your mom!


mom2three said...

Very cute! Erik and Abby have very similar stats at the present time and nap schedule. Fun reading about Erik- what a sweet boy.

Hanna said...

Keeping a record of Erik's answers to these questions will be a lot of fun!! We did this in my first grade class, and my answers are VERY interesting to look back on... (My favorite thing to do was "play bunnies".)