Photo Contest:
The photos in group A are all directly related but each means something on its own
The photo in group B is related to group A but not as closely
Appease me please and leave a comment regarding the significance of each of the photos
Be specific -- different meaning behind each photo
If anyone gets it right they will be entered to win a prize!
Answer will be posted Thursday morning!
Guesses sent via e-mail or facebook will not count towards winning the prize!
Have fun and Good luck!!
1) Beer, Steak, Hot Dogs |
2) Ice, Watermelon, Mac and Cheese |
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3) Tomato Soup; Bacon and Egg Sandwich |
4) Milk, Raisins, Cake |
Based on the amount of Mac and Cheese that I had to consume when you were preggo with Lainey and I recall you mentioning something about beer when preggo with Erik (not that you consumed large quantities, but that you were craving it) I'd have to say that you are totally PREGGO and this time around you are into milk, raisins and cake. <>
The only thing I can think of is, it's like A1 is what parents eat when they feed A2 to their children. And A3 is what they eat when they feed B1 to their children.
I am guessing foods you craved when you were pregnant with each child and you are pregnant again and crave the foods in the last picture (and I thought this before I saw Anonymous's comment!@!!
I think A1 is Victor's favorite food, A2 is the kids, and A3 is your favorite foods and the last are things someone in your family doesn't like or can't have. Though I hope anonymous and Jill are right
I think the first three pictures would be representing foods you craved in each of the trimesters of your pregnancy with Erik; the picture in the second set would be what you craved all the way thru the pregnancy with Elaina. I guess you are expecting number three. :}
I was thinking something like
a1 - what Victor eats
a2 - what Lainey eats
a3 - what Erik eats (except this isn't quite fitting because it doesn't include broccoli)
b - what you eat now because you're pregnant and too tired to make anything else.
I'm so hoping those who guessed your pregnancy cravings are right!!! However, my twist is that image 1 are foods you ate pre-pregnancy (though I don't really remember you drinking beer or eating hot dogs, but I wanted to guess something a little different...), image 2 is foods craved during Erik's pregnancy, image 3 is foods craved during Elaina's pregnancy and group B is foods you crave now.
I was going to guess that each photo was your/the kids favorite meal in each season. A1- summer. A2- Fall A3- Winter A4- Spring???
BUT... I read the other comments on here so my thoughts are influenced by the preggo rumors! ;)
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