Saturday, September 25, 2010

Notable Moments

1)  Erik trying to get want he wants at 8pm tonight...

Erik:  "Mom, I want to go in the backyard for a little bit."

Me: "Sorry honey, it is dark out."

Erik: " Just for 2 minutes?"

Me: "Nope, sorry."  He seemed fine with this and didn't complain.

(2 minutes later)

Erik:  "Dad, I want to go in the backyard for a little bit."

Victor: "Sorry Erik it is dark out."

Erik: "But Dad that is just what mom said!"

Victor: (with a smile on his face) "I know."

Nice try kid.

2)  Lainey's turn.....

Lainey LOVES Victor.  When we are both home she almost always wants to be by him instead of me.  This has been consistent for about a month.  I think it is pretty cute.  The last two nights she has had a hard time falling asleep because she isn't feeling well (fever of 101).  Guess who she cries for over and over from her bed??  Yep...  " Mama, mama, mama, mama...."  Silly baby.  Okay for me though as she actually let me rock her sleep tonight (for the first time since she was about 3 months old).  Normally the girl doesn't want anything to do with sitting on laps.


mom2three said...

Too funny Erik! Gotta love that clever kid!

Kristal said...

Kids must instinctively know to try the other parent. That's super cute, Erik.