Sunday, September 26, 2010


This summer has been so so incredibly hot.  Really miserable and overall unenjoyable.  The average high temperature between June 1st and September 1st was 91 degrees. This is a record high average temperature for the DC area. Yuck!

Yesterday another record was set (or at least tied).  It has been 90+ degrees for 67 days so far this year. I think the average is around 35-40 so we have had an extra month of that crap!  I would not rule out another 2-3 days in the 90's before fall really sticks around. 

I'd have to say I am happy we hit a few records -- at least our "suffering" won't go undocumented!

Here is an article regarding the latest record met this weekend...

Summer heat

I am so thankful it wasn't this hot last year (or any other year we have been here really) because it would have been really difficult to go anywhere with a newborn and record heat.

Last winter was record breaking too -- for the most snow DC has ever received.  Weird!

Bring on the snow!

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