Wednesday, September 15, 2010

15 Months Old!

What are you up to now Lainey?

Eating:  You eat a wider variety of food now but not huge quantities of anything.  You generally don't like anything with sauce on it or soft textures -- yogurt, applesauce, etc. are all spit out.  Your favorite food is fruit -- grapes especially.  You have 8 teeth now.

Drinking:  You still can't tolerate much dairy -- gives you a diaper rash.  We have you on Rice milk instead -- you drink about 12-15 ounces a day.  I weaned you completely about a month ago - you did fine with that transition.

Sleep:  You sleep well at night.  7:30-6:30.  Rarely get up in the middle of the night (1-2x a month).  Naps are in transition now -- not ready to give up the morning nap completely but not always interested in 2 naps a day either.  This is proving to be a challenge for me because you are a crabby, crabby kid when you don't get enough sleep.  We took your "plug" away from you this month -- you did great.  Much better than I expected.

Activity:  You are a busy, busy baby girl!  Much busier than Erik was at this age.  You are constantly running, climbing, dancing, etc.  You do not like anything that requires you to sit still.  TV does not interest you at all.  Even reading is generally disliked although recently I have found if I make really obnoxious sound effects while reading I can get you to sit through A book (just one).

Talking:  Only words are... momma, dada, uck (yuck), butto (belly button), ello (hello -- when the phone rings), op (stop), cracker (inconsistent with this).  Signs:  More and please; also point to everything.  You are a smart little girl though and do not miss anything that is going on around you.  You can follow 2 step commands without any problem.  You seem to understand almost everything we are talking about.

Disposition:  Hmm.  First off you are really funny.  You have a sarcastic sense of humor -- which seems so advanced for your age.  I have seen you at times poke "fun" of Erik and then just laugh and laugh.  It is funny when you amuse yourself.  You are very playful and love to play chase, hide and seek, tickle, etc. You play this cute game with me when I put you to bed -- you want me to give your cows a kiss and then say, "Poe!"  You repeat this over and over and giggle giggle giggle.  So cute.

You are also very opinionated, strong-willed, and a little crabby.  You know what you want and if you can't have it that is very, very upsetting to you. I feel bad for you because I know how that feels!  I think the crabbiness may be secondary to the napping issue but I am not sure as you were never a real smiley - happy go lucky baby either.

Victor and I have decided that you have some traits from both of us....  Sarcastic, funny, always moving, opinionated, and strong-willed represent my traits.  The serious/crabby -- slow to smile traits represent Victor.  We will see if these traits carry through as you get older.

15 month Stats:

Length:  31.75 inches (86%)
Weight: 20.75 pounds (19%)

Very similar to my charts growing up -- definitely did not inherent Victor's short legs (shorter stature) and broad chest.  Probably good since you are a girl -- albeit I would be happy if my "chest" were a little bigger.

The doctor said we could add olive oil to your food if you continue to poke along on the weight gain.  I am not going to yet but if you don't gain much by 18 months we'll have to do something.  (You only gained 10 ounces in the past 3 months).  Mainly, due to the fact that you are super super busy and not a real great eater.

We love you more than you can ever know and are so glad you are part of our family!

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