Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why? No! I Don't Want To Mom!

That is what I hear out of this sweet little boy's mouth.
All. day. long!
It is exhausting!
He doesn't usually fight too hard if I try to distract him but I am tired of trying to find creative ways to get him to do what I want.
I just want him to listen and respond immediately.
Is that realistic?
Yeah, I know.

Yesterday, Erik and I went shopping for treats for his "reward bucket".
He was informed that when I ask him to do something he will earn a sticker if he responds, "Yes, mommy/daddy and gets up and does it."
If he collects 3 stickers he gets to pick something out of his reward bucket.
He started this project with great enthusiasm which waned quickly throughout the day.

We will keep trying but PLEASE share any other ideas you might have that might curb the back talk from my 2 year old!

I know I need to come up with some good ideas because Erik is Mr. Laid Back so I am sure any back talk I get from him will be minor compared to Miss Fiest coming up behind him!

P.S. Sorry for all the headaches I gave you from ages 2-18 Mom and Dad! :)


Ben and Robyn said...

Read Love & Logic: Magic for Early Childhood by Fay and Fay. Easy read, very entertaining, full of anecdotes. You will be able to read it cover-to-cover (and will want to, once you get started!) Personally, it is the absolute best child-rearing book I've ever read! Very practical, too!

Kristal said...

Yes, Love and Logic is second only to the Bible right now in my life. Seriously, I was going to recommend the exact same book. It worked wonders for Kate... and I'm praying it will eventually work for Anna...