His fever is lower today -- around 99.9 or so (120 hours with fever). He is still not feeling better though. I did take him out on a walk which he slept through and then still asked to take a nap about 1 hour later. He is still fasting although drinking liquids fine. I have even bribed him with cake, popcorn, and watermelon (his favorite foods) but he won't take more than 1-2 bites. He did throw a temper tantrum this morning which indicates to me that he has a little more energy than before but spent most of the day on the couch or in bed. Poor baby!
Her fever is a little higher - around 100.5 (72 hours with fever) and she is coughing quite a bit. She is as spunky as ever though. Hasn't stopped moving all day. Refusing to nap at the moment. She is a girl after my own heart! :)
On a stress-induced/house-arrest carbo-load. I am hoping to get back to normal activity level soon. I did get out for a walk today and have managed to make dinner which is an improvement over the past few days.
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