Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I'm stealing this idea from my cousin Julie's blog.

Truthfully, I have not felt thankful for much this week. I have been tired, frustrated, disappointed, and a little overwhelmed. Some of the things leading to these feelings are.... super sick kids, missed vacation, broken phone, parking ticket, missed workouts, dead battery in my camera when I wanted to take a picture, isolation in my house, kids that won't sleep at night, etc.

I focused on these feelings for a few days feeling quite justified to be in a not so pleasant funk. That is not pleasant for anyone though and certainly not very productive. So I decided I need to instead focus on/remind myself of all the huge blessings in my life.

Here are a few things I came up with....

1- Loving husband
2- Sweet babies
3- Financial stability
4- Warm house
5- Good Health
6- Supportive friends and family
7- The luxury of being able to stay home with my babies
8- Healthy Kids
9- Springtime -beautiful weather
10- Fever free kids
11- Playing with my kids in the park
12- Sweet little Erik who out of the blue asked me this morning, "Are you okay, Mom?" Yes, I'm okay honey. "Mom, do you need a hug?" That would be great. "and a kiss?"
13- Wheel of Fortune -- my favorite way to unwind at 7 pm

That is only a short list. Now my "complaining list" doesn't seem so bad does it?


Julie said...

You're not stealing anything from me. I stole it from someone else. :) Hang in there! Happier days will come sometime soon. Your post made me think of this:

I Peter 1:6-7 In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Elizabeth said...

what about a lovely 25 minute conversation with your dear friend Liz yesterday? ;)