Wednesday, March 10, 2010

30 Months

Happy 2 1/2 year birthday Erik!
(looking excited about the cake but still tired from being sick all week)

Here are a few changes I have noticed since your 26 month update....

Potty training:

You are completely potty trained with the exception of night and school. I don't have to cue you very much anymore (although sometimes you need encouragement to get yourself to the bathroom). I don't think you have had an accident for a month or so. You most certainly could go to school in underwear but you are too timid to communicate your needs to your teachers.


You speak very well now -- use pronouns correctly, ask why, speak in full sentences and are easy to converse with. Birth to 3 evaluated you and at 29 months your language skills tested at a 36 month level.


You are still my sweet, tender, shy boy. The teachers say you are a very laid back, go with the flow kid however you don't talk to them much. They also said you are a dawdler/pokey --the straggler who takes his time to get from place to place. If they ask you to hurry you say, "I am coming." but make no effort to speed up. I love your gentle personality but you most certainly did not inherit a bit of it from me!!

Erik and I went on a "date" one night.
I had a great time with the cutest guy ever.

You like school although sometimes prefer to stay home with me. You talk a lot about your friends at school and seem excited to see them. You can count up to 15 now but you can't translate that skill to counting up actual objects yet. You will point to items in a book and count them but you like to start with the number 3. We are working on that. You recognize the letters E, O,D, M, and W consistently. You like to spell your name out loud ---ERK. Cute! You always skip the I. I am considering putting you in the 2 morning a week program next year as you seem ready for a break but still have 2 months to go. We will see.


Height: 36.25 inches
Weight: 28-29 pounds

You are wearing 24 month/2T clothes. Your pants are falling down now since you lost a little weight after being so sick. Today you told me, "Mom, I am going to the store to buy a belt." Ha!

You are loved lots!

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