You are growing fast sweet baby girl!
You had a tough month. Both you and Erik had an awful virus with fevers lasting for 6 days. This resulted in another ear infection for you. You are on the mend now. I am thankful. Your reflux is still well controlled on Prevacid.
You still love to nurse. I am nursing you about 6 times a day plus 1-2 times at night. You do not like being spoon fed. You usually tolerate 4-5 bites but then you clamp your mouth shut, arch your back, and cry. If I give you table food you will eat it. Your diet is somewhat limited since I can't give you dairy or eggs yet and you have no teeth so it has to be quite soft. You diet mainly consists of beans, avacado, banana, organic puffs, cheerios, diced up frozen meatballs, peas, carrots. I am in a rut and open to any ideas for other easy finger foods.

You are an expert crawler. This month you have also figured out how to cruise along furniture. In the past few days you have started to let go of the couch and stand up on your own for a few seconds before sitting down. You still have not figured out how to crawl up the stairs.

You are a sweet, fun baby. You are very playful and love interacting with anyone who will play with you. You don't laugh out loud much but smile lots and make lots of funny faces. You love Erik and want to be with him always. You are still quite fiesty and opinionated. If you want something and can't have it you fuss a lot! Very cute (for now at least)! You have just started to show some signs of separation anxiety, crying when I leave the room; no stranger anxiety so far though. You are happy to go to anyone. You also like to wave at everyone and say something that sounds like, "Hi!"
Favorite things:
Sippy cups with a straw, Erik, Erik's toys, the remote, my phone, pulling all the the books and DVDs off of the shelves, your plug (this will hopefully be a distant memory a month from now if your mom can find her backbone)

You fit into 9 month clothes
You are a long, lean baby
Weight (3/12/10): 17 pounds 14 ounces (35%)
Length (at home): 28.5 inches (80%)
We love you lots and are so thankful that you are part of our family!