Monday, May 6, 2013

Poison Control

I had to call poison control today.  Why?  Because my 5.5 year old, who recently figured out how to open "kid safe" medicine containers, decided to take approximately 19 of his Singulair tablets this afternoon.   Thankfully, the RN I talked to at poison control acted like this was no big deal and he would have no side effects from it aside from possibly a headache, no need to take him to the ER.  I am so thankful that he didn't break into the tylenol as that could have been catastrophic.

How did this happen??  I keep asking myself that.

Our day was a normal one.  I walked Erik to school and went to the gym for an hour.  A quick shower and then a friend came over for lunch and a playdate.  They left around 1 pm.  I took Lainey and Carson upstairs for naps around 1:15 while Erik started on his homework.

He finished his homework around 1:45 or 2:00 and I let him play Wii for 30 minutes while I checked e-mails/blogs.  Then I read him a couple chapters from Box Car Children and realized I was having trouble staying awake.

Since the other two were napping I told Erik I was going to rest for 45 minutes on the couch and he could play on the computer.  I didn't actually sleep, I don't think, and I was in the same room as Erik.  It was during that 45 minute period though that my apparently bored, curious, naughty 5 year old ate the remaining 19 Singulair tablets (probably around 3 PM).

I didn't realize this until around 4:30 when the kids were in the kitchen for a snack and I was cleaning up.  I went to put the Singulair back in the upper cabinet and suddenly realized they were gone.  I was on the phone with a friend and said I need to go and hung up immediately.

After a minute or two of questioning I confirmed it was Erik who took the meds, made the poison control call, called myself down (amazingly I didn't cry or yell), and then had a lengthy discussion with the kids about the dangers of taking too much medication.

I can't decide if I am more angry at Erik doing something that seems so obviously wrong, relieved that he's okay, or feeling guilty about it happening on my watch.  A combination of them all.  I am so sincerely thankful it wasn't tylenol as that could have killed him.

Parenting is never boring.

Anyone else ever have to call poison control?  (Kristal, calling about vaseline doesn't count!)


Erin said...

Zoey ate gum a few weeks ago, wrapper and all. I called the Dr who referred me to poison control. The lady was so nice and reassuring, told me despite it seeming metallic the wrapper isn't any worse than eating paper and to make sure her bowel movements were normal over the next few days. I also felt guilty but was very relieved she was OK!

Diana said...

I've never had to call poison control. But Nathan's brother did, twice in the same week. Once was some medication and the other time was, I think, Windex!

Kristal said...

Don't feel bad. You know Poison Control and I go way back.

Katie S. said...

I called once when Megan, I think, ate a seed pod from one of my Day Lilly plants. Speaking of feeling like a bad parent, I don't even remember which kid it was...might have been Brylee.