Saturday, May 18, 2013

22 Weeks

I have little to report about this pregnancy! 
It's been quite easy.

Only "complaints"....

-heartburn (I get this almost daily already! The only other baby that gave me heartburn was super hairy Erik.) I have been taking Prevacid daily which does help.  With Erik's pregnancy I was afraid to take anything beyond TUMS but spent the last few months barely sleeping.  I'm not interested in repeating that! :)

-Varicose veins (same one, still there, hope it doesn't find any friends)

-Tired  (This isn't actually too bad.  I am ready to be done by 7 PM every night but during the day feel quite normal)

Otherwise I am feeling well...

I am still running 20-24 miles a week.  The pregnancy doesn't seem to hinder the running much yet.  I am hoping to  be able to run until 27 weeks.  We'll see.  I lift weights 2x a week and walk around 2 miles 3-4 days a week. My doctor seemed quite impressed by the running and said I should keep it up as long as I can.

I have gained 6-7 pounds but generally speaking I can still hide the pregnancy unless I have on a tight fighting shirt (see photo below).  I am still wearing all my normal jeans but pulled out maternity shorts since my regular ones would only last another week or so anyway.

I can watch the baby kick and punch and flop around now which I love!  The kids haven't seen it yet as  he seems to be quiet if I lay down and try to show them. :)

It's been a cool spring here and I am SO thankful for that!

We have done nothing to get ready for the baby.  I'm not sure if we will move Carson into Erik's room before the baby gets here or not.  I need to order a new infant car seat as they supposedly expire after 5 years but otherwise we have most baby gear we would need.  Lainey can hardly wait to buy newborn diapers and a few "pajamas" for her new brother. :)

We have a name picked for the baby boy already which is quite shocking as we didn't settle on a name for Carson until we'd met him.  It could still change but for now we have a fairly solid idea.

Hard to believe all three of my kids were born 16 weeks from now.  That doesn't seem very far off!

 21 weeks
(haven't take a photo since then)

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