Sunday, May 12, 2013

Four reasons why it's great mom's not here for Mother's Day

Let's get right to it.

The first cool part is that I get to take over the blog.

Yes, I know that this "internet" thingy allows you to weblog from anywhere you might have a connection, but it doesn't feel the same unless you are at home posting while wearing bunny slippers, and not visiting your brother Daron, which is where the primary owner of this blog is at the moment.

All you bloggers out there post with furry animals on your feet don't you?  I would, especially if I was living somewhere with a fishing opener like this.

Another reason: it's much easier dragging three kids to the grocery store multiple times because I forgot something needed for Mother's Day.  Why?  Because now we can pile into the van without having to sneak around concealing our surprises for mom, but it still doesn't solve the issue of Giant's car cart only having two steering wheels.

I think the laps around the aisles will be worth it though, because when mom's gone, we get to make something for her that's totally non-caloric and good for you.  Good for you in the I've-been-marooned-on-a-desert-island-for-two-weeks sense or in the I'm-a-grandparent-and-am-happy-to-load-the-grandkids-up-with-sugar-before-I-give-them-back sort of way.

This is what we came up with.

Regarding the picture, we (meaning without mom) don't make cakes very often, so it doesn't have a photogenic side.

Of course, one benefit of mom being gone is spending more time alone with the kids.  Today I caught myself in one of the first "wow, you're really old dad" conversations with Erik, who is currently obsessed with Lego Star Wars, thanks to Grandma Sandy, and his 7-year-old Jedi Master next door.

     Me: Erik, did you know that Star Wars came out even before there was a Wii?
     Erik: (blank)

It's a good thing Erik enjoys school and is learning a lot there, because I don't think my homeschooling would be very effective.

In fact, Erik can write complete sentences on his own now!  Check out this one in the upper left from the Mother's Day 2013 picture we created.

Lainey is pretty expressive in her drawing.  At bottom left is a princess, there is a prince on the right with a crown, and a member of the door family at bottom right.  Though it looks like she's reminding you of an older post by labeling #4 for you as "he," I think she was starting to write Chen, but didn't get  to the rest of the letters.

Carson is a still more of a colorful swoosher at this age, but I think that's pretty fitting for his personality.

The kids have only asked a billion times when mommy is going to be back.  We're looking forward to sharing the cake and picture (and more) with her in a couple days, because this time has been a great reminder of what a fabulous mom we have in our house.

Happy Mother's Day, we love you!


Elizabeth said...

I have only one comment:

And the picture/card is adorable! Lainey looks especially happy. (ok, I have three comments.)

:) Liz

Julie said...

Great job on the cake! How many "door people" must there be in the world? I've never thought of them that way, but it's so true.