Saturday, May 25, 2013

Joy Project: Happy 10th Anniversary Lauren and Seth

This weekend we were invited to 6! different parties.  I think that's more parties than we average over the course of 6 months usually!  So we had to pick and choose (3 out of the 6).

Today to we were able to help celebrate the 10th anniversary of our friends Seth and Lauren.  They happen to be our next door neighbors and as you've heard before a family we are quite fond of!

 Renewing their vows!  
 Best buds!
Oh how I love these sweet boys!
I am so thankful for their wonderful friendship. 
 More of James and Erik
Little brother Tyler also seems to have 
made a place for himself and happily greets
the older two with a hug and enthusiastic "Hello Jedi Master!". 

 Carson and Lainey even joined in the beach fun!
This photo might look warm but it was NOT!
Highs in the upper 50's which is so odd for Maryland at this 
time of year but I am not complaining as the oven will be turned on
soon enough.

 After a yummy dinner of crab and ribs, Seth serenaded
Lauren with a song/spoof.  Haha!  This might seem romantic
but Lauren has somewhat of a phobia of vocal music so while she 
was smiling she was actually thinking she should have had another glass of wine.

Back up dancers!
Seth is aware of her phobia but did it out of fun.
Don't worry, he made up for the spoof by surprising Lauren with a 
10 day trip to Europe (kid free) that they will taking soon!
What an awesome surprise!!

The party was hosted at the beach front property (amazing) where Seth grew up.
I only saw one snake, it was a big, but not a copperhead!
Lainey is deathly afraid to go near the rocks now (snake haven).
Carson spent the rest of the afternoon/evening trying to find another one. Yikes!

We are so so thankful for our fabulous neighbors and friends!

For the list...

199) Celebrating marriage
200) Deep friendships
201) Beautiful scenery
202) Great food
203) Hilarious singing spoof

Oh and if you are curious I did record a snippet of Seth's singing expertise/serenade!

For some reason, blogger thinks I have no youtube videos so I can't upload them directly.  
Anyone know why?

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

Mine was doing that too (didn't think I had any YouTube videos). But it worked this last week so who knows!