Monday, October 15, 2012

Wheat Belly

Lainey and I have both had intermittent mild but annoying belly aches for quite some time.  She complains about her stomach hurting 1-2x a week. It doesn't stop her from doing anything but it's a frequent complaint.   I've had intermittent belly aches since May 2009.  I saw a GI doctor and had a ultrasound, HIDA scan, and EGD done which revealed nothing but mild gastritis.  I asked about being tested for celiac disease but they didn't think it was necessary and didn't do duodenal biopsies.

Anyway, fast forward to August.  You may recall I cut all grains out of our families diets for 3-4 weeks.  I did this fairly randomly but was shocked at the improvement of Lainey's belly aches and loose stools.  They were gone.  My stomach was also completely pain free during that time. 

So, I talked to her pediatrician who agreed to do Celiac serology for Lainey.  I added wheat back into our diets about 6 weeks ago to ensure that the lab results would be accurate when they were drawn.  Well, guess what?  Lainey's back to complaining about a belly ache 1-2x a week.  I had pasta, a bun, and pumpkin bread yesterday (very unusual) and my stomach has been killing me ever since.   

Adding fuel to the fire is the book, "Wheat Belly" written by Dr. William Davis.  He is a preventative cardiologist from Milwaukee, WI.  In my mind this book is so well written.  He starts by talking about how different wheat is today from even 75 years ago and the impact that has on our health.  He supports his theory with both evidence based clinical trials in addition to his own clinical practice (thousands of his patients have seen a dramatic increase in health after eliminating wheat).  It's a fascinating book and I challenge anyone reading this to read the book and let me know what you think!  Especially those of you who are health care providers.  To the wheat farmer family reading this, sorry!

Both Lainey and I will be having celiac serology done later this week (hopefully, as I just have a call out to the doctor), but we are cutting out wheat now.  (Be prepared when you come to visit us!)

If our serology comes back negative I will probably not label Lainey as gluten free at school but haven't decided yet.  If her stomach aches/bowels return to normal again when wheat free it's going to be difficult to allow her to eat stuff at school that I am fairly confident bothers her belly.  We'll see.


Let me know what you think?!

1 comment:

Kristal said...

Did you get tested? When will you get the results?