Sunday, October 21, 2012

Carson - 19 Months - Amazing Development!


Well, Carson is about 12 days post-tube procedure and can hear again!  I took him back to the ENT on Friday for a follow up appointment.  They repeated his hearing tests and this time it came back completely normal in all 4 areas they test for at this age.  I knew he was hearing better because he responds much quicker to our voices and woah boy is that kid talking!!  I am so amazed! In the past 10 days Carson has probably tripled his vocabulary.  In fact, he suddenly is making an attempt to say almost any word you ask him too and saying the following words spontaneously....

all done, uh oh, no, stop (op), milk (mil), moo, erik, lainey (wayway), up, down, off, baby (baba), blankie (baba), ow, hot, mama, dada, truck, there, woof woof, ball and ballon (baa), yum, backpack, knock knock, moon, me, bye, hi, button (butt), Papa

30 Words!!  Hallelujah! So amazing given the fact that 2 weeks ago he said at most 10!  Carson must be so happy to be able to hear! Poor little guy!!

In other areas...


Carson must be going through a growth spurt because boy that kid can eat!  For at least 2 weeks he has been out eating Erik and Lainey, often combined.  Today, he ate less than normal so maybe the spurt is almost over?  His shoe size jumped from 6 to 7.5 during the past month or so. He has also outgrown his 12-18 month pants.

Carson eats a wide variety of foods, he is most picky about fruit - only likes apples, watermelon, and sometimes cantaloupe and banana.  He refuses to put any other fruits in his mouth. He is missing out! 

This photo is of Carson trying to see the movie while riding backwards in the van on our late evening drive home from Alexandria Friday! (I was at a stop light!)
I let the kids watch a movie if our ride is more than an hour (but only after 45 minutes into the drive).
Poor Carson!  He otherwise loves being rear facing still as he can see Erik and Lainey better.  Thankfully he doesn't seem to get carsick as being in a rear facing car seat is much safer for him. 


Carson has 16 teeth which is all you are supposed to have when you turn 2.  I am wondering if maybe he is getting his 2 year molars early though as he has been drooling like a St. Bernard for a week or two.  His shirts are completely soaked by mid-morning. 

Overall, it's been a fun, busy month.  Lots of festivals and outdoor activities (2 pumpkin farms, lots of hiking/walks and playing outside).  Carson continues to be a joy!  He is full of the dickens and has an excellent sense of humor.  He plays hard, eats well, sleeps great (for one of our kids!), laughs a lot and I suspect someday will protest loudly (already hits and bites at times!). 

 We just love our little guy!

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