Sunday, October 21, 2012

Life as a "single parent" Part 2 - Day 4 of V's trip

7:00 Wake Up
7:20 Get the kids breakfast - oatmeal and frozen berries
7:45 Prep dinner - potatoes, onions, carrots, and meat for the crock pot
8:15 Clean up kitchen, realize I forget to run the dishwasher last night which means some breakfast dishes get left in the sink.  This is a pet peeve of mine!
8:30 Help kids get dressed
8:45 Head to the gym
9:00 Run on the treadmill
10:00 Shower/get ready for church while at gym
10:30 Head to church
12:00 Church is over, chat for 10-15 minutes
12:15 Head to grocery store, stuff kids with a snack on the way
12:30 Get most of the weeks groceries (spent $40 at farmer's market Thursday but missed my main farmer's market Saturday) -- $186 to the big shop, the hungry and tired trio did really well though!
1:15 Head home.  Feed kids more formal lunch/milk
1:30 Read and put Carson to bed
1:45 Read and put Lainey to bed
2:00 Sit on the couch and drink tea/eat lunch while Erik plays with blocks
2:15 Read a chapter of Farmer Boy to Erik and send him upstairs for quiet time
2:45 Get up and put away remaining groceries, unload dishwasher, clean up lunch mess, sweep floor, iron on AWANA badges, switch over a couple loads of laundry (no clothes got put away, but they are all washed at least)
(3:00 - Send Erik outside to play with J)
4:00 Carson gets up/Lainey gets up
4:30 Head to the school walking/on bikes with my trio and Erik's best bud J
4:43 Chain falls of J's bike.  Try to get it back on, see a road biker and flag him for help.  He gets it back in place, make our way to the school
5:15 Head back home, chain falls off again.  Really?!  Thankfully, J's dad had come to the playground with little brother about 10 minutes after us, so he fixed the chain the 2nd time it fell off.
5:35 Arrive home, feed kids, review AWANA verses
5:55 Head to AWANA
6:08 Arrive, 8 minutes late (seems to be my theme this weekend)
6:20 Carson and I run errands - eyebrow waxing, get Carson's feet measured (needs a whole size bigger and his shoes are only 3 weeks old!)
7:15 Arrive back at AWANA early, chat with my Dad for a while
7:35 AWANA is over, we head home
8:00 Give kids a glass of milk
8:05 Quick showers
8:10 Carson brush teeth, story, bed
8:16 Repeat with L
8:22 Repeat with E
8:30 Iron new AWANA badges on (they are small, didn't want to lose them)
8:35 Victor arrives home from his work "vacation" -- he calls it that himself
8:45 I am feeling grumpy and mean so instead of being too grumpy and mean I head upstairs for an hour of reading/blogging with a glass of wine while Victor picks up the play room

Current work trip, solo parenting adventure over.

Monday's are our quietest day of the week.  I love the weekends, more so when Victor is home and we can get outside and enjoy the awesome fall weather better, but Monday's are a nice quiet entrance to the week.  Our only activity is Erik going to pre-k, nothing else scheduled.

I'd have to say, while Victor's been gone a lot the past 2 1/2 months (4-5 weeks I think) living in a military community helps me keep that in perspective.  I love living as part of a military community.  The people are great - everyone is looking to make friends because lots of people are new to the area, people are willing to help out neighbors and friends as much as they would help out their family members, and people are really resilient  - long hours and traveling husbands hardly phase most of the military wives.   My neighbor's husband was just gone for 4 consecutive weeks, no complaints although she most certainly is happy to have him back (she works part time, is in grad school, and has 3 kids).  Another neighbor's husband has been gone since August and will be gone for the most part until next Halloween (2013).  (He's doing some long training missions now and deploys in January).  She doesn't complain either (2 kids, works part time although has full time day care available to her which she doesn't fully use but does use enough that she gets a break at least).  It's amazing and wonderful to see such resilient and strong people/families/women.

I don't think lots of work related traveling or super long hours is beneficial for our family or anyone's really but I feel kind of proud that I've figured out a way to take care of my trio and still meet most of their and my needs while Victor is out of town without feeling resentful towards Victor.  The days are long and super busy when you have to do it all yourself, but I am so thankful to have my trio and be healthy enough to care for them well (as well as I am able).

(P.S.  Not perfect, as I did mention that when V got home I suddenly moved into grumpy land - better now! I also can not imagine surviving a 6-12 month deployment on my own which many of my friends have done more than once. 6 days at a time is enough for me!)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

What has always helped me in the land of perspective is when Kevin is on the road I am not worried about his safety. I know that many wives are not able to do this. Yay for you for holding down the fort and Yay for Victor for his service to our country!