Total Saved: $50
What did we spent it on??
1) Food: Over by $180
2) Household/extra: Over by $290
3) Entertainment: Over by $135
4) Fixed: Over by $70
I think this is the first month we actually were over in every column! Great!
What were we up to?
1- Great girls night and date night (new favorite restaurant)!
2- A few new pieces of clothes for me
3-Medical - $160 ($60 from this week with poor baby Carson)
4-Victor travel - $100
5- Gas! -$300 (ouch)
6-Preschool-$275 a month from now thru April (painful but would be much worse if we still lived in the DC area)
Victor did about 10-14 days worth of Navy work which will be very helpful. Thank you Victor for your hard work!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Long Week but still Grateful
Carson has had a very tough week. Monday he had a low grade fever (101.5 rectally) with no other symptoms. Victor has been out of town most of the week and Carson fights the otoscope so I took him in Tuesday just to make sure it wasn't his ears. It wasn't.
Tuesday he actually perked up quite a bit, so much so that I almost canceled this appointment. He was fever free through the day. When I put him to bed that night he did not look good though so I wasn't surprised when he woke up with a fever at at midnight.
He has had a constant fever since Wednesday morning in addition to a crappy cough. His fever has been up to 103.3. He has been one pitiful, sad baby just laying on my chest moaning. He can't swallow liquid tylenol/ibuprofen without choking and throwing up so I have been giving him tylenol suppositories. :(
Since he is so little he has been thoroughly examined. Chest x-ray, strep test, influenza test, and CBC's (2) have all been clear. He does have wheezing today (bronchiolitis) so I have had to start using the nebulizer every 4 hours.
We will follow up in the clinic again Monday assuming he doesn't get any worse over the weekend. Please pray that my sweet boy feels better soon!
Here is the grateful part....
This week Wednesday (9/28) marked Jacob Delimont's one year birthday. I have learned a lot about life watching Austin and Terri deal with their loss and grief. Losing Jake has made me a more grateful person, helped me appreciate the small things, and not panic about the "big" things as much.
Tough weeks like having a sick baby and a husband out of town are significantly less trying than they would have been for me a year ago because I know ultimately Carson will be fine and I realize there are blessings amongst the "trial." (Nothing in my life can truly be considered a "trial!")
Thank you Austin and Terri for teaching me to be a calmer, patient, and more appreciative person. I am forever changed!
Tuesday he actually perked up quite a bit, so much so that I almost canceled this appointment. He was fever free through the day. When I put him to bed that night he did not look good though so I wasn't surprised when he woke up with a fever at at midnight.
He has had a constant fever since Wednesday morning in addition to a crappy cough. His fever has been up to 103.3. He has been one pitiful, sad baby just laying on my chest moaning. He can't swallow liquid tylenol/ibuprofen without choking and throwing up so I have been giving him tylenol suppositories. :(
Since he is so little he has been thoroughly examined. Chest x-ray, strep test, influenza test, and CBC's (2) have all been clear. He does have wheezing today (bronchiolitis) so I have had to start using the nebulizer every 4 hours.
We will follow up in the clinic again Monday assuming he doesn't get any worse over the weekend. Please pray that my sweet boy feels better soon!
Here is the grateful part....
This week Wednesday (9/28) marked Jacob Delimont's one year birthday. I have learned a lot about life watching Austin and Terri deal with their loss and grief. Losing Jake has made me a more grateful person, helped me appreciate the small things, and not panic about the "big" things as much.
Tough weeks like having a sick baby and a husband out of town are significantly less trying than they would have been for me a year ago because I know ultimately Carson will be fine and I realize there are blessings amongst the "trial." (Nothing in my life can truly be considered a "trial!")
Thank you Austin and Terri for teaching me to be a calmer, patient, and more appreciative person. I am forever changed!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
First Solids and Tooth and More!
I introduced solids to Carson this week. We had tried a few weeks ago but he didn't know how to swallow so I put them away until a few days ago. Now he seems to get it. He has had organic bananas and applesauce and seems to enjoy them. His brother and sister are very eager to help feed him!
Yesterday I discovered he cut his first tooth!
I was shocked as Lainey didn't get a tooth until she was 11 months old and Erik was 9 months old!
Hopefully, he won't bite me while nursing!
Did you really need to let Lainey and Erik feed me? |
Despite teething Carson started sleeping through the night this week.
I have been nursing him at 10:30 before going to bed and then he has been sleeping until 6:30 or so.
He has cried for 20-30 minutes in the middle of the night 1 or 2 days but for the most part has been sleeping through. We don't go in with him in the middle of the night assuming he calms himself down within a reasonable amount of time (he has been).
Carson is on the move!
He gets up on all fours and rock back and forth and then launches himself forward.
I would guess he will be crawling within a week or two.
Anyone else have a guess?? (Liz?!)
Carson is so big! He is 28 inches and has moved into 12 month clothes.
He is wearing 9 month pants but "onsie" type outfits need to be 12-18 months.
I almost cried when I pulled outfits out of the basement that Erik wore when he was 15 months old.
They already fit Carson.
I guess he got the Baker/Williams height genes!
Teething, eating, sleeping, and growing all in one week.
Clearly my sweet baby hasn't heard my pleas to slow down.
Erik - 4 years old
How is it that I am now a mom of a 4 year old? I am so thankful that my baby boy has a September birthday because I can promise you if I had to stick him on a bus for all day kindergarten next year I would not survive! Thankfully, I have 2 years before I have to do that!
What is Erik like at four?!
Erik is gentle, tender, and sweet. He is very thoughtful and good at sharing toys/snacks, etc. He is observant and more aware of others needs and feelings than I usually realize.
Erik is losing the baby/preschool traits and becoming a boy. He loves rocks and sticks and diggers. He now likes to pretend his sticks are guns or spears. He loves our neighbor James and even though they are two years apart they get along great. James has a real kid-size pick ax and shovel. Erik and James spend a lot of time digging for fossils or treasure under our decks. :) Both boys happy as can be! Erik is also good friends with Zach! They like to mow the lawn or use their weed wackers together. Both Zach and James are wonderful boys. I am glad they are Erik's friends.
Erik is a an eager learner. He loves preschool! In the past few months he has really shown an interest in learning his letters and numbers so I am making an effort to work with him at home for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. He can write his own name now. He can count to 20 but always skips 13. We are working on this! I am hoping to teach him how to write all his uppercase letters and the numbers 1-20 during this school year. Erik loves nonfiction books. One of his favorite books is called Minerals and Elements. Ha! Not my favorite but I am happy to read it to him.
Erik is active! He is excellent at riding his balance bike and can go on a 2.5 mile bike ride. We usually stick to a 1.5 mile ride/walk 4-5 days a week but if we have extra time he can do an extra mile without complaining. Erik still loves gymnastics and is in kindergym 2. I hope he is willing to take gymnastics for another couple of years because I think it teaches him how to use his own body strength. He has asked to play soccer (I missed the cut off) which we will do in the spring. I am thinking about enrolling him in "tae kwon do" as well as I think the independent sport is good for teaching you strength and confidence.
Erik has become more involved in the world of pretend. I enjoy when he comes up with stories. A lot of his stories parallel something he hears us talking about. He will tell us, "When I was old (thanks for remind us we are old), I used to ..... (what ever we had been talking about)" and then will elaborate a story regarding whatever situation we had been talking about.
Erik has started to challenge authority more than he used too. He can be "whiney" and stubborn. He is usually quiet about whatever is upsetting him, but will disobey by ignoring our requests (rather than throwing a tantrum). He still challenges Victor's authority more than mine but I do think this is less of a problem now than it was a year ago. For time outs we use the steps. He rarely gets sent to his room.
Erik is starting to phase out naps. He probably naps 3-4 days a week. When he does nap his bedtime tends to be quite late (9ish). On the days he doesn't nap he is asleep by 8 pm. He gets up around 6 or 6:30 AM.
Erik is reserved. He warms up quickly and isn't terribly shy or anxious but quite quiet until comfortable. He really, really dislikes being the center of attention. He gets embarrassed and usually covers his hand or face when the spotlight is on him. He is not comfortable telling people his name or answering questions unless he is comfortable around them. He doesn't have separation anxiety and eagerly goes to preschool and sunday school but seems a little awkward the first couple of minutes he is there.
Erik is gentle. He loves to be held, sit on my lap, hold my hand, etc. I love this about him and hope I can find ways to meet his needs in this area as he gets older without it embarrassing him. I am not really a "needs touch" kind of person so I have to be very careful when I am feeling "over touched" by my 3 kids not to disuade Erik from sitting on my lap, leaning on me, etc.
Erik is a loving big brother. He is a great friend to Lainey and loves to entertain Carson. Carson loves playing peek-a-boo with Erik and just laughs and laughs.
When we picked the name Erik I remember liking that it means, "humble leader." I think that describes Erik very well. We love you sweet boy!
What is Erik like at four?!
Erik is gentle, tender, and sweet. He is very thoughtful and good at sharing toys/snacks, etc. He is observant and more aware of others needs and feelings than I usually realize.
Erik is losing the baby/preschool traits and becoming a boy. He loves rocks and sticks and diggers. He now likes to pretend his sticks are guns or spears. He loves our neighbor James and even though they are two years apart they get along great. James has a real kid-size pick ax and shovel. Erik and James spend a lot of time digging for fossils or treasure under our decks. :) Both boys happy as can be! Erik is also good friends with Zach! They like to mow the lawn or use their weed wackers together. Both Zach and James are wonderful boys. I am glad they are Erik's friends.
Erik is a an eager learner. He loves preschool! In the past few months he has really shown an interest in learning his letters and numbers so I am making an effort to work with him at home for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. He can write his own name now. He can count to 20 but always skips 13. We are working on this! I am hoping to teach him how to write all his uppercase letters and the numbers 1-20 during this school year. Erik loves nonfiction books. One of his favorite books is called Minerals and Elements. Ha! Not my favorite but I am happy to read it to him.
Erik is active! He is excellent at riding his balance bike and can go on a 2.5 mile bike ride. We usually stick to a 1.5 mile ride/walk 4-5 days a week but if we have extra time he can do an extra mile without complaining. Erik still loves gymnastics and is in kindergym 2. I hope he is willing to take gymnastics for another couple of years because I think it teaches him how to use his own body strength. He has asked to play soccer (I missed the cut off) which we will do in the spring. I am thinking about enrolling him in "tae kwon do" as well as I think the independent sport is good for teaching you strength and confidence.
Erik has become more involved in the world of pretend. I enjoy when he comes up with stories. A lot of his stories parallel something he hears us talking about. He will tell us, "When I was old (thanks for remind us we are old), I used to ..... (what ever we had been talking about)" and then will elaborate a story regarding whatever situation we had been talking about.
Erik has started to challenge authority more than he used too. He can be "whiney" and stubborn. He is usually quiet about whatever is upsetting him, but will disobey by ignoring our requests (rather than throwing a tantrum). He still challenges Victor's authority more than mine but I do think this is less of a problem now than it was a year ago. For time outs we use the steps. He rarely gets sent to his room.
Erik is starting to phase out naps. He probably naps 3-4 days a week. When he does nap his bedtime tends to be quite late (9ish). On the days he doesn't nap he is asleep by 8 pm. He gets up around 6 or 6:30 AM.
Erik is reserved. He warms up quickly and isn't terribly shy or anxious but quite quiet until comfortable. He really, really dislikes being the center of attention. He gets embarrassed and usually covers his hand or face when the spotlight is on him. He is not comfortable telling people his name or answering questions unless he is comfortable around them. He doesn't have separation anxiety and eagerly goes to preschool and sunday school but seems a little awkward the first couple of minutes he is there.
Erik is gentle. He loves to be held, sit on my lap, hold my hand, etc. I love this about him and hope I can find ways to meet his needs in this area as he gets older without it embarrassing him. I am not really a "needs touch" kind of person so I have to be very careful when I am feeling "over touched" by my 3 kids not to disuade Erik from sitting on my lap, leaning on me, etc.
Erik is a loving big brother. He is a great friend to Lainey and loves to entertain Carson. Carson loves playing peek-a-boo with Erik and just laughs and laughs.
When we picked the name Erik I remember liking that it means, "humble leader." I think that describes Erik very well. We love you sweet boy!
Lainey - 27 Months
Lainey has grown and changed so much recently I thought she deserved an update!
Lainey is a delightful 2 year old. She is spunky, sassy, sweet, and silly!
Lainey has a wonderful sense of humor and seems to enjoy sarcasm. She understands when you are being silly and says things just to be "obnoxious" and funny. She tries to get people to laugh.
Lainey is brave and social. When we leave her at mother's day out, church, or with a sitter she greets it with excitement and enthusiasm! She doesn't have any "best" friends yet but she is friendly with everyone.
Lainey is very independent - dresses herself, takes herself to the bathroom, gets her own shoes on, etc. I love that she is so confident and determined.
Lainey loves music. I sing Twinkle, Twinkle little star and the ABC song to her before nap and bedtime. I often hear her singing to herself throughout the day. Lainey has a special affinity for the "monkey music CD" particularly song #1. ("Thanks" Leslie!) We have this in the van and if I happen to put the car in reverse before turning on Monkey music she reminds me. If Lainey hears music, whether at home or in public, she dances. I love it!
Lainey is busy and athletic. She still loves gymnastics and is good at it. She is in the second level class for toddlers now which requires her to wait in line some and follow directions. Following directions is significantly more difficult for her than the gymnastic skills. :)
Lainey is smart! She can count to 10, knows most colors, and recognizes some letters. She like to "color" pictures (scribble) and do craft projects. She is extremely verbal and holds fairly in depth conversations. I am sure she is close to a 3 year old level in verbal skills. She still doesn't love books although sits through a few before nap and bedtime. During the day she can hardly stand to be still enough for a book.
Lainey is sweet. Despite being independent and sassy she is truly a sweetheart and gentle and polite in most situations. She loves baby dolls and is almost always playing with babies when I pick her up from school or church. She is quiet around people she doesn't know and observes or plays quietly by herself before fully engaging in a situation. Given how exuberant she is at home I find this somewhat surprising but endearing.
Lainey is exuberant!! She makes us smile! She greets us with a lot of excitement and passion. She tells us, "I lub you!" when we leave. She runs into Erik's classroom to give him a tight hug when we pick him up from school. She gets very excited about things. In the morning she has been sneaking into our room and then yelling, "BOO!" loudly!
Lainey is spirited. At times, if she is upset you can see anger just overtake her (can see it in her eyes). I don't see this often but when I do it makes me smile because she is so cute and I feel bad for her because I understand how it feels to be consumed with emotion at times. The last couple of times I saw her like this recently was around nap/bedtime and she was so angry that she was hopping up and down just yelling. She calms down pretty quickly with sincere hugs and compassion. Hopefully, I will remember to always greet my spirited daughter with tenderness and affection when she is overwhelmed as it truly seems to help her calm down.
I enjoy Lainey so much! She is a delight and brings a lot of fun and laughter into our house. We love you so much Lainey-bug!
Lainey is a delightful 2 year old. She is spunky, sassy, sweet, and silly!
Lainey has a wonderful sense of humor and seems to enjoy sarcasm. She understands when you are being silly and says things just to be "obnoxious" and funny. She tries to get people to laugh.
Lainey is brave and social. When we leave her at mother's day out, church, or with a sitter she greets it with excitement and enthusiasm! She doesn't have any "best" friends yet but she is friendly with everyone.
Lainey is very independent - dresses herself, takes herself to the bathroom, gets her own shoes on, etc. I love that she is so confident and determined.
Lainey loves music. I sing Twinkle, Twinkle little star and the ABC song to her before nap and bedtime. I often hear her singing to herself throughout the day. Lainey has a special affinity for the "monkey music CD" particularly song #1. ("Thanks" Leslie!) We have this in the van and if I happen to put the car in reverse before turning on Monkey music she reminds me. If Lainey hears music, whether at home or in public, she dances. I love it!
Lainey is busy and athletic. She still loves gymnastics and is good at it. She is in the second level class for toddlers now which requires her to wait in line some and follow directions. Following directions is significantly more difficult for her than the gymnastic skills. :)
Lainey is smart! She can count to 10, knows most colors, and recognizes some letters. She like to "color" pictures (scribble) and do craft projects. She is extremely verbal and holds fairly in depth conversations. I am sure she is close to a 3 year old level in verbal skills. She still doesn't love books although sits through a few before nap and bedtime. During the day she can hardly stand to be still enough for a book.
Lainey is sweet. Despite being independent and sassy she is truly a sweetheart and gentle and polite in most situations. She loves baby dolls and is almost always playing with babies when I pick her up from school or church. She is quiet around people she doesn't know and observes or plays quietly by herself before fully engaging in a situation. Given how exuberant she is at home I find this somewhat surprising but endearing.
Lainey is exuberant!! She makes us smile! She greets us with a lot of excitement and passion. She tells us, "I lub you!" when we leave. She runs into Erik's classroom to give him a tight hug when we pick him up from school. She gets very excited about things. In the morning she has been sneaking into our room and then yelling, "BOO!" loudly!
Lainey is spirited. At times, if she is upset you can see anger just overtake her (can see it in her eyes). I don't see this often but when I do it makes me smile because she is so cute and I feel bad for her because I understand how it feels to be consumed with emotion at times. The last couple of times I saw her like this recently was around nap/bedtime and she was so angry that she was hopping up and down just yelling. She calms down pretty quickly with sincere hugs and compassion. Hopefully, I will remember to always greet my spirited daughter with tenderness and affection when she is overwhelmed as it truly seems to help her calm down.
I enjoy Lainey so much! She is a delight and brings a lot of fun and laughter into our house. We love you so much Lainey-bug!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Notable Qutes - Hurry Up
Victor and I function at different speeds.
I tend to be always thinking of 10 things that need done, how I am going to get them done efficiently and well, if kids are involved I spend time in advance planning out how to make the day go well, etc. On the the outside I generally appear calm but the internal clock is quite frantic.
Victor on the other hand moves at one pace and that is sloooooww! Both internally and externally the clock is slow and steady.
There are advantages to both of course but I admit I sometimes have a hard time appreciating the tortoise and have at times asked Victor to please try to do whatever the task at hand is quickly.
Well, this morning I was telling Erik that Victor has to "go to the hotel" again next week (he will be out of town for work). Erik first response was, "No! Why??" Before I could answer, Erik figured it out on his own.
His idea....
Ha ha!! This idea proposed by Erik makes me look bad (kids are the best teachers!) but it makes both Victor and I laugh out loud so I thought I would share it with you.
I tend to be always thinking of 10 things that need done, how I am going to get them done efficiently and well, if kids are involved I spend time in advance planning out how to make the day go well, etc. On the the outside I generally appear calm but the internal clock is quite frantic.
Victor on the other hand moves at one pace and that is sloooooww! Both internally and externally the clock is slow and steady.
There are advantages to both of course but I admit I sometimes have a hard time appreciating the tortoise and have at times asked Victor to please try to do whatever the task at hand is quickly.
Well, this morning I was telling Erik that Victor has to "go to the hotel" again next week (he will be out of town for work). Erik first response was, "No! Why??" Before I could answer, Erik figured it out on his own.
His idea....
"Daddy is going to the hotel to learn how to speed up?"
Ha ha!! This idea proposed by Erik makes me look bad (kids are the best teachers!) but it makes both Victor and I laugh out loud so I thought I would share it with you.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Lainey Counting
Lainey is very verbal and in my opinion seems quite smart. She can count up to 11 objects but it's hard to capture on camera. The above link is a video of her counting crackers.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Well, we finally decided on a church. It only took 10 months. We visited 8 different churches. Some we went to for 2-3 months others for just one service. The one we finally decided on was the 2-3rd church we went to. We liked it from the start but I felt the need to continue exploring as it is likely going to be a church we attend for many years to come.
We like the pastor a lot. His message this week was about how God's plan still reigns even when humans/sinners are left to execute it and often go on a different path that originally intended. I thought this was comical because I knew back in December/January that this was probably the right church for us but instead of heeding to that intuition insisted on exploring 6 more churches. Well, we ended right back at the church we originally thought was right for us. Ha!
The things we like most are.. the pastor (he is a strong speaker), the music (great worship band), and the preschool sunday school. Each week Erik does a project during sunday school - this is the only church that had a very organized sunday school program.
The things we were hesitant about.... the nursery for kids 0-up to 3 is a little choatic (it seems like the parents staffing the nursery bring their own bigger kids in the room which makes for a noisier room than necessary)
It is a Methodist church. I don't have any reasons to not go to a Methodist church it is just not what I have always attended. My main hesitation did stem from nervousness about the kids falling away from church as adults. I know this happens frequently in all churches and is a not a direct reflection of the church you are raised in but both my parents were raised in Methodist churches and neither attend church as adults (no offense meant mom and dad).
We are excited to finally have found a church we are both comfortable with and hope to form close relationships with people there in the near future.
We like the pastor a lot. His message this week was about how God's plan still reigns even when humans/sinners are left to execute it and often go on a different path that originally intended. I thought this was comical because I knew back in December/January that this was probably the right church for us but instead of heeding to that intuition insisted on exploring 6 more churches. Well, we ended right back at the church we originally thought was right for us. Ha!
The things we like most are.. the pastor (he is a strong speaker), the music (great worship band), and the preschool sunday school. Each week Erik does a project during sunday school - this is the only church that had a very organized sunday school program.
The things we were hesitant about.... the nursery for kids 0-up to 3 is a little choatic (it seems like the parents staffing the nursery bring their own bigger kids in the room which makes for a noisier room than necessary)
It is a Methodist church. I don't have any reasons to not go to a Methodist church it is just not what I have always attended. My main hesitation did stem from nervousness about the kids falling away from church as adults. I know this happens frequently in all churches and is a not a direct reflection of the church you are raised in but both my parents were raised in Methodist churches and neither attend church as adults (no offense meant mom and dad).
We are excited to finally have found a church we are both comfortable with and hope to form close relationships with people there in the near future.
Carson's Stats
At 6 months Carson is...
19 pounds (71%)
28 inches (90%)
Today he proved himself to be the happiest baby ever, during his shots he didn't even flinch. Instead, he flashed the nurse a huge smile! I sure do love my happy baby boy!
He is the biggest and longest baby out of the three. Lainey was 16 pounds at 6 months and Erik was just shy of 18 pounds.
19 pounds (71%)
28 inches (90%)
Today he proved himself to be the happiest baby ever, during his shots he didn't even flinch. Instead, he flashed the nurse a huge smile! I sure do love my happy baby boy!
He is the biggest and longest baby out of the three. Lainey was 16 pounds at 6 months and Erik was just shy of 18 pounds.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
On the Move!
Silas Update
Silas is still in the hospital but doing well. It was confirmed that a UTI was the cause of his fever and tachycardia. He had an ultrasound which revealed that he has a Ureteral Duplication which makes him prone to urinary tract infections. He will need to be on prophylactic antibiotics for quite a while and follow up with a pediatric urologist for further treatment plans.
Ureteral duplication is a pretty common anomaly - found in about 1% of people. To read more about it go here.
I'd have to say I hope that this is the last baby to be born with a urogenital abnormality in my circle of friends. This is the 3rd baby in 17 months born to one of my close family/friends with a significant urogenital anomaly. Enough!
Mike and Sonja I hope you get to take sweet Silas home tomorrow! We are praying for you!
Another sick baby to keep in mind:
My neighbor called me this morning to let me know that her 7 month old son Bobby was flown to Children's hospital in the middle of the night in respiratory distress. He had been stuffed up and quickly went downhill overnight - turning blue and gasping for air. As of this evening he had been extubated (breathing tube removed) but was still very junky. He was born at 25 weeks (one of twins) and has only been home for a month since birth. He twin brother has thankfully been quite healthy.
Ureteral duplication is a pretty common anomaly - found in about 1% of people. To read more about it go here.
I'd have to say I hope that this is the last baby to be born with a urogenital abnormality in my circle of friends. This is the 3rd baby in 17 months born to one of my close family/friends with a significant urogenital anomaly. Enough!
Mike and Sonja I hope you get to take sweet Silas home tomorrow! We are praying for you!
Another sick baby to keep in mind:
My neighbor called me this morning to let me know that her 7 month old son Bobby was flown to Children's hospital in the middle of the night in respiratory distress. He had been stuffed up and quickly went downhill overnight - turning blue and gasping for air. As of this evening he had been extubated (breathing tube removed) but was still very junky. He was born at 25 weeks (one of twins) and has only been home for a month since birth. He twin brother has thankfully been quite healthy.
Three "Men" In a Tub
First bath with all 3 kids at once!
2 (oldest) were very grumpy so the bath was short!
Carson thought it was great!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sweet Silas is in the hospital!
Silas was admitted to CHOP last night with a fever and tachycardia. His heart rate got up to 230 or so. Because his is a newborn with a fever he had to endure a spinal tap (multiple attempts by multiple doctors, blood cultures, catheder for urine sample, EKGS, and an IV.
So far his urine appears to be infected. He is on IV antibiotics. Other results are still pending.
The cardiologists believe the tachycardia is secondary to the infection (sinus tachycardia) and it improved after IV fluids (he received a dose of adenosine as well prior to fluids I believe).
He will be in the hospital until Friday (at least).
Poor Sonja had to watch all those procedures by herself as Mike was home taking care of Jamison (it was the middle of the night). I can't imagine. Just thinking about it make me cry.
Please be praying for their family and that Silas recovers quickly!
So far his urine appears to be infected. He is on IV antibiotics. Other results are still pending.
The cardiologists believe the tachycardia is secondary to the infection (sinus tachycardia) and it improved after IV fluids (he received a dose of adenosine as well prior to fluids I believe).
He will be in the hospital until Friday (at least).
Poor Sonja had to watch all those procedures by herself as Mike was home taking care of Jamison (it was the middle of the night). I can't imagine. Just thinking about it make me cry.
Please be praying for their family and that Silas recovers quickly!
First Day of School 2011-2012
Erik started preschool on September1st. He is going to Creative Beginnings on Tuesday/Thursday mornings again. He has the same teachers as last year. All the kids are new to him as I put him back in the three year old program since those kids will be his kindergarten classmates in two years. He loves school! I wish he could go an extra day but oh well!
Erik is the oldest kid in his class this year. His teachers say he was done well with this and has been showing the new kids how things work in the classroom and teaching them things (how to put pencils behind their ears). So cute! I was worried he might be too much older than some of the kids. His teachers said some are far behind him but others are at the same place as him. They think he is in the right class this year.
I wasn't going to put Lainey in school this year because Erik's preschool doesn't have a program for 2 year old kids. Well, Lainey was very upset. She told me adamantly, " I am BIG mom! I am old enough for Erik's school!!" She said this quite a few days in a row. So, I am thankful I was able to find a mom's day out program for her. It meets on Wednesday mornings. She has been SO excited about school - counting down the days.
Her first class was today. She never acted nervous at all. She ran into the classroom and didn't look back. Victor and I went to say goodbye, she looked up quickly and said, "See you later!" Ha!
Lainey is such a fun 2 year old! She has a wonderful sense of humor, is confident, and kind. I just love her. She had a great first day! When I went to pick her up from class she stomped her feet because she didn't want to leave.
Erik is the oldest kid in his class this year. His teachers say he was done well with this and has been showing the new kids how things work in the classroom and teaching them things (how to put pencils behind their ears). So cute! I was worried he might be too much older than some of the kids. His teachers said some are far behind him but others are at the same place as him. They think he is in the right class this year.
I wasn't going to put Lainey in school this year because Erik's preschool doesn't have a program for 2 year old kids. Well, Lainey was very upset. She told me adamantly, " I am BIG mom! I am old enough for Erik's school!!" She said this quite a few days in a row. So, I am thankful I was able to find a mom's day out program for her. It meets on Wednesday mornings. She has been SO excited about school - counting down the days.
Her first class was today. She never acted nervous at all. She ran into the classroom and didn't look back. Victor and I went to say goodbye, she looked up quickly and said, "See you later!" Ha!
Lainey is such a fun 2 year old! She has a wonderful sense of humor, is confident, and kind. I just love her. She had a great first day! When I went to pick her up from class she stomped her feet because she didn't want to leave.
She was SO proud to be big enough for school.
Funny note - One of the 2 year old boys was fast asleep in the teacher's arms when I went to pick up Lainey at noon. :)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Carson-6 months!
If I had to use one word to describe Carson that would be it!
He has brought so much joy into our house!
I don't think I have ever met a happier baby.
He is so full of smiles and laughter.
It is a true joy to be his mom!
I am so thankful for him.
He makes being crabby very difficult!
-Usually goes to bed around 7:30 pm and gets up for the day around 7:00 AM. I am still nursing him 2x during the night - usually around 10-11 pm and 3-4 AM.
-He naps 2-3x a day.
-He is no longer swaddled and sleeps with a knit blanket at night
-He prefers to sleep on his left side and frequently sucks on his blanket while falling asleep
-He can fall asleep on his own but often needs a pat on the back/butt while falling asleep in the crib
-Still nursing on demand (every 3 hours or so)
-Introduced bananas to him as his first solid a few days ago; he seems like he will be an eager eater (we'll see)
-He is on the move! He can get across a room by scooting backward or spinning himself in a circle
-He can get on all fours very briefly and then falls down again
-He sits very well independently
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Playing peek-a-boo |
-Laid back
-Very social; seeks interactions with people
-LOVES his daddy!
-"Grabby!" - he wants to get into everything; Lainey has a surprise coming for he once he masters crawling!
Click here to see a video of sweet Carson playing peek-a-boo with Victor. The video is very grainy because my battery was almost dead on my phone. :(
Wears 6-9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers
Weight: 19 pounds even (71%)
Length: just shy of 28 inches (90%)
Weight: 19 pounds even (71%)
Length: just shy of 28 inches (90%)
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Happy Birthday Erik!
My "baby" turned 4 today! He has grown up quite a bit this summer so he does seem four but it sure has been a fast 4 years. We threw a large pirate party for his birthday! He had a great day! It was a fun party. Here are some photos of Erik's birthday bash....
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Honey Pizza Dough
I have been making my own pizza dough for a while with so-so results. I stole this recipe from a friend who follows this food blog and have been using the following pizza dough recipe ever since. It is fantastic!! It does use all purpose flour rather than whole wheat which knocks it down in the health category but it tastes so good and is so easy I have decided that it is worth it!
Photo by whitneyinchicago
Recipe: Honey Pizza Dough
- 1/2 cup warm water
- 2 Tablespoons dry yeast
- 5 cups bread flour
- 1-1/2 cup cool water
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 2 Tablespoons honey
- In a large bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer, stir the yeast into the warm water until dissolved. Let stand.
- Add the flour, the cool water, salt, olive oil, and honey into the yeast mixture. Knead with a dough hook for about 5 minutes, or by hand for 7.
- Place the dough in a large greased bowl and cover with a clean kitchen towel. Allow to rise for 30 minutes.
- Punch down dough and divide into 16 portions (for individual pizzas) or four portions (for 16 inch pizzas). Coat each ball of dough in olive oil, wrap in plastic wrap or place in resealable bags and freeze.
Try it!
It is awesome!
Silas Henry
Mike and Sonja welcomed baby Silas to their family yesterday morning (9/7/11). The name Silas means "faithful brother." So neat! I am so excited for them! Here are some photos of our newest nephew courtesy of Mike. We will hopefully be able to meet him soon.
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Silas Henry 8lbs3oz |
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The whole family - Sonja looks so beautiful! |
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Mike and his boys |
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Notable Quotes - Erik
1) As we were leaving Erik's preschool today he pointed to a sign and said, "Look Mom! Do you see that sign? It says, "This is a GOOD school!"
2) While Erik was at school this morning Lainey, Carson, and I went to the library. A little boy hit Lainey on the head pretty hard. Lainey was telling Erik about the boy that hurt her head. He thought about it a minute and then asked, "Mom, did Lainey fight back?!" I said, "No, she cried because it hurt." Erik responded, " Well, if I were there I could have fought back for Lainey and wrestled that boy to floor!"
I am not sure I would really want him wrestling anyone to the floor but I did find it cute that he was concerned about his sister.
2) While Erik was at school this morning Lainey, Carson, and I went to the library. A little boy hit Lainey on the head pretty hard. Lainey was telling Erik about the boy that hurt her head. He thought about it a minute and then asked, "Mom, did Lainey fight back?!" I said, "No, she cried because it hurt." Erik responded, " Well, if I were there I could have fought back for Lainey and wrestled that boy to floor!"
I am not sure I would really want him wrestling anyone to the floor but I did find it cute that he was concerned about his sister.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Girls Night
I am fortunate to have a husband who is very hands on with our kids, not afraid to be a parent. I, of course spend more time with the kids since I am home all day long but when Victor is home he is fully engaged and usually tries to give me a break.
This weekend I got the ultimate break! I went to DC yesterday and went out with my friends Karen, Jenn, and Jeni. Karen and I started the afternoon with pedicures and gabbing! We met Jenn at the theater and watched the Help! It was an excellent movie. Racial inequality makes me sick and I find this book/movie especially alarming because it takes place in the 1950's/1960's. If you haven't read the book you should! It is one of my favorite books I've ever read (2x), and I have read a lot of books! Thanks Leslie for lending it to me last year!
After the movie Jenn, Karen, and I met Jeni for a Southern dinner. This was especially fun because Jeni is from Alabama so she ordered fried pickles and fried green tomatoes! I don't like tomatoes or pickles but I liked them both fried!! Ha!
Then to top it off I got to stay in a hotel by myself! For the first time in a year I slept for 9 hours in a row- didn't even get up to pee! Thanks Mom and Dad sending for to a hotel for a night and thanks to Victor for watching the kids!
This morning I strolled around Old Town, ate breakfast at Cosi (yum!), and did a little shopping (bought my first pair of skinny jeans!).
All 3 kids and Victor survived and had fun! Carson, who hates bottles, did better than expected. He was very eager to nurse when I got home though. After nursing for a long time he proceeded to spit up/vomit all over me! Too full little buddy!
I hope your labor day weekend was a wonderful as ours was!
This weekend I got the ultimate break! I went to DC yesterday and went out with my friends Karen, Jenn, and Jeni. Karen and I started the afternoon with pedicures and gabbing! We met Jenn at the theater and watched the Help! It was an excellent movie. Racial inequality makes me sick and I find this book/movie especially alarming because it takes place in the 1950's/1960's. If you haven't read the book you should! It is one of my favorite books I've ever read (2x), and I have read a lot of books! Thanks Leslie for lending it to me last year!
After the movie Jenn, Karen, and I met Jeni for a Southern dinner. This was especially fun because Jeni is from Alabama so she ordered fried pickles and fried green tomatoes! I don't like tomatoes or pickles but I liked them both fried!! Ha!
Then to top it off I got to stay in a hotel by myself! For the first time in a year I slept for 9 hours in a row- didn't even get up to pee! Thanks Mom and Dad sending for to a hotel for a night and thanks to Victor for watching the kids!
This morning I strolled around Old Town, ate breakfast at Cosi (yum!), and did a little shopping (bought my first pair of skinny jeans!).
All 3 kids and Victor survived and had fun! Carson, who hates bottles, did better than expected. He was very eager to nurse when I got home though. After nursing for a long time he proceeded to spit up/vomit all over me! Too full little buddy!
I hope your labor day weekend was a wonderful as ours was!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Blue Angels
Friends of our gave us VIP tickets to the Blue Angels air show. It was a really fun experience. Unfortunately, our friends little boy was sick so they didn't get to see the show. In order to get to the VIP viewing section our car was escorted down the airfield. There were probably only 100 people watching the show today and we got to be one of them! It opens to the public tomorrow which will be a crazy mess!
I have seen the blue angels once or twice before. It is always fun! The speed and precision is amazing! I thought Carson might be bothered by the noise but we all (except Victor) wore earplugs and it didn't bother him at all.
Erik had been quite excited to see the show and has been talking about all the Navy pilots he knows (at least 8). He seems to think that he will be a pilot (or was in the past "when he was old") someday.
The show was extra exciting because we were so close to the planes! Really, really close! Yikes!
I have seen the blue angels once or twice before. It is always fun! The speed and precision is amazing! I thought Carson might be bothered by the noise but we all (except Victor) wore earplugs and it didn't bother him at all.
Erik had been quite excited to see the show and has been talking about all the Navy pilots he knows (at least 8). He seems to think that he will be a pilot (or was in the past "when he was old") someday.
The show was extra exciting because we were so close to the planes! Really, really close! Yikes!
See how close we were to the planes! Poor Erik got cut out except for his hair! |
All 5 of us now but the planes were in a higher formation so it's not quite as impressive! |
My lovely baby! |
Watching the angels park! |
BAM-S... The BAM-S is an unmanned high altitude surveillance aircraft. These planes are controlled from PAX-NAS (our base) even when flying in the middle east. |
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