Sunday, November 3, 2013

What's in a name?! Kyle James

Surprisingly, we had a name picked out for both a girl (Molly) and boy by the time I was 15 weeks pregnant! We'd never picked a name that early and stuck with it. Molly was a name that had been a favorite of mine for a long time. It was on our list when I was pregnant with Lainey. Obviously, we had a boy and don't plan on adding any more kids to our family so now I will just push the name Molly onto my friends and family members expecting babies. :)

 Kyle was actually picked by Erik!! We told the kids I was pregnant with Kyle when I was around 14 weeks pregnant. Erik immediately said we should name the baby Kyle is it was a boy. That name had never been on our list but both Victor and I liked it so that was it. We honestly never looked at a baby naming book and never considered any name other than Kyle. Ha! I wonder what Kyle would have been named if Erik had suggested something we didn't like. I'm not sure we would have ventured onto the name Kyle by ourselves.

 James is usually a boy name but we planned to stick baby #4 with the middle name James no matter what. Why? Well, James is my brother Daron's middle name. Daron doesn't really make a good middle name but we wanted to honor him so we went with James. I hope beyond all hope that my kids don't ever have to face such difficult trials as Daron has during the past 2 years. If they do though I hope they face their battles with same strength, dignity, and courage that Daron has constantly displayed during his battle with leukemia. I can't wait until my sweet little Kyle gets to meet his brave uncle Daron! (Hopefully, I will get out to California sometime in the next month or two.)

 Daron, well Feifei actually, recently updated his caringbridge site. If you haven't seen it you can get there by clicking on the link on the left side of my blog. The most recent update is a medical one. Don't forget to look at the update in September though an article Daron wrote was published recently! I'm so glad to have three kind brothers (hopefully Lainey will feel the same way in 30 years!).

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