Thursday, November 28, 2013

Kyle - 3 Months!

Can you believe our little baby is already 3 months old?!  Not a newborn anymore I guess.

Kyle is a fantastic baby!  He is an amazing sleeper.  I was very convinced he would have reflux too, since all the others did, but he does not.  No reflux = baby sleeping in his crib at 2.5 months for 8-9 hours in a row.   Completely amazing!  For the past 2 weeks he has been going to bed at 6:30 and sleeping most nights until 2:30 or so.   The feeding session takes about 30 minutes but he goes back down, usually awake without fussing, and gets up again around 6:00.  He sleeps so well I actually miss him! He also has a bald spot. Ha!  The other kiddos were all sleeping on Victor's chest or in their bouncy chair still at this point.

Kyle is a very content little guy.  He wakes up in the morning happy as a clam and just smiles and coos for about 30 minutes.  I love it!  He likes to be held a lot.  If he is awake, he would prefer to be in our arms.   He still likes his "plug" but doesn't need it as much.   He's not quite as happy as Carson was (hard to beat that!) but overall if laid back and content.

He loves to watch everything and tracks well.  The kids find this quite funny because he turns his head watching them run back and forth across the room.  It's cute.  He rolls over from front to back fairly often and has good head control.   He still had dark blue-gray eyes.  He has new hair growing in which appears to be very dark brown.  

He nurses well and eats every 2-3 hours during the day, and once at night.  He weighs 13 pounds.   I had mastitis earlier this month, right after he started sleeping better.  It's resolved quickly thankfully!

I am so so grateful for our little guy!  He is a wonderful addition to our family!

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