Saturday, July 27, 2013

Notable Quotes: Victor and Carson

1)  Erik went to a half day electronics camp this week.  He learned an impressive amount and came home talking about electrons and circuits and other things that I know nothing about.  Victor was especially impressed and said, "It's so amazing that he's learned about this stuff!  I didn't know some of that until I was in nuclear power school.  There's no way they teach that kind of stuff in high school." 

I had to remind Victor that the role electronics plays in education is much different in 2013 than it was in 1989 (the year Victor graduated from high school).  In fact, the "teachers" at camp are all high school age kids.  I think this may have been Victor's first "boy I'm getting old" moment as a parent.  Somewhat true as he is 41 and his eldest is just about to enter kindergarten.  

I just had to chuckle.  I'm sure we'll both have many moments during the next 20 years where we find it hard to believe how much the kids are learning in comparison to what we learned..

2)  Carson is the sweetest little guy.  I really can't describe how much joy he brings to our house.  Recently when I tell him that I love him he will respond with an enthusiatic, " I love you too Mom!"  He often runs up and gives us big hugs.  Yesterday, Victor was taking him somewhere ( I was up in DC at my OB appointment) and he shouted from the backseat, " I love Mommy!"  So so sweet.

3)  The nesting instinct has kicked in a bit for me, which unfortunately results in work for Victor.  This weekends project involved moving the kids rooms around.  We decided, after much deliberation, to have Erik and Lainey share a room.  So, we bought Erik a loft bed and yesterday moved Lainey into his room.  She will sleep on a twin bed, that's on a wood pallet. 

We are then planning to move Carson into Lainey's old room (keeping the nursery the same).  BEcause I refuse to put a boy in a pink room, this requires Victor to repaint three walls in Lainey's room (a burnt orange that Carson picked out). 

He stayed up later than normal getting a start on that last night.  Tonight E and L were squirreling around when supposed to be sleeping.  Carson was still awake as he took a long nap (he was downstairs with me).  Victor feeling tired and grumpy was just kind of shouting at the kids when they would come out of their room.  They wanted water.  So I called them downstairs, let them each get a glass of water, and then instructed them that they will be taking naps instead of going to a pizza/swimming party tomorrow if I see their faces again.  They complied and went back to bed. 

Meanwhile, Victor had come downstairs to get supplies.  He was so grumpy that when Lainey asked him a question he just grumped at her instead of answering the question.  I jokingly told the kids that their daddy was a "grumpy bear" since they weren't listening and they needed to stay away from him (meaning get their water and get out of dodge quickly).  E and L didn't pay much attention to the grumpy bear comment but Carson was highly amused and for the next 30 minutes keep telling me excitedly that his Daddy was a grumpy bear.  Carson got a blanket and hid under it from the grumpy bear.  Then he heard Victor upstairs and ran as fast as he could away from the "grumpy bear" all with a big old grin on his face.  Hahaha!  Carson just cracks me up!

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