Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Notable Quotes: Erik and Lainey


Erik was tired today.  He's been going to golf camp for three hours in the mornings this week (he loves it, and apparently is a left handed golfer) plus he was up late last night.  Anyway, this afternoon he had swimming lessons.  I am a paying for private lessons for Erik and Lainey this summer because Erik has a little anxiety about going under water and group lessons have never been very effective for him.  He has made really good progress with just a few lessons and is now willing to go underwater to get things off the bottom of the pool and is able to swim across the short length of the pool alone (no formal stroke).  This is a major improvement from 3 weeks ago.

Anyway, again today he seems tired.  When Erik is tired it generally presents as a lack of cooperation (extreme stubbornness vs hysterical tears for Lainey).  For the first 15 minutes of his lesson he did great.  The next 15 minutes, he sat on the edge of the pool, arms crossed, unwilling to cooperate.  So Lainey got extra attention.

I told him that boys that were too tired for swimming class (his excuse) would have a very, very early bedtime.  Still no cooperation.  (He went to bed at 6:30.)

On the way home, he was staring grumpily off into space when he suddenly announced, " When I grow up I am going to live all by myself!"  Hmph!

I responded by saying, " Yes, most likely you will live by yourself someday."  (Thinking post-college for a few years.)

He says, "And I am going to stay that way forever!!"

Haha!  I asked him, " You don't want to get married or have kids?"

"Nope!"  End of conversation.

Hahaha!  Apparently he just wanted to be left alone today. :)


When Victor came home tonight we were all sitting around the island, getting ready to eat dinner. As he usually does, he said hi, came over and gave me a kiss, and then after putting his work stuff away sat down to eat.

Lainey asked me, "Mom, why does Daddy kiss you when he comes home?"

I said, " I don't know. Why do you think he does?"

Lainey, " I think it's because he loooves you."

I smiled and said, " Are you sure it's because of that or do you think he's just trying to share his germs with me?"

Lainey, "NO. I know it's because he loves you."

At this point, Carson stands up in his chair and shouts to Victor who was across the room at the moment, " Daddy! Daddy!  Do you wuv Mommy?"

Kids are so sweet. 

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