Monday, July 22, 2013

Joy Project

225) Erik's behavior recently has been difficult. He's seems tired (has been at camp a lot this week)and has more argumentative than normal. He is exactly like another person I live with, fairly easy going but stubborn as a bull when he is set on something or tired. I'll let you guess who the other person happens to be. One thing that seems to help Erik when he gets in a funk is to spend extra time with him. So, last week I went out to dinner with him all by himself (at V and my favorite restaurant). It was a nice night although it hasn't totally fixed his behavior (darn!). It did seem to impress Erik though. When he was at VBS last week they ask the kids to share any "God sightings" they have had recently. A God sighting is something positive in their life (joys and blessings). Wouldn't you know that my fairly quiet guy raised his hand and shared that "my date with mom" was a "God sighting" in his life recently. I wouldn't have known but one of my friends was a volunteer and shared that with me. I'm so glad she did as it was a major encouragement amongst many moments that are somewhat trying when parenting three (soon to be 4) small kids.

226) VBS in general was a blessing and a joy for my kids. Lainey and Erik both went. I almost didn't send them because I feel like we've been a little too busy this summer. But I am glad I did! They had such a wonderful time - best week of the summer for them I think. Our church is pretty small (200 people attend each weekend I think). This week they hosted 250 kids at VBS! Pretty impressive! Here's a video of Erik (again my shy guy) dancing along to the music this weekend.

Erik is wearing a purple shirt.  Lainey can been seen a little, she's in the front, to Erik's right, wearing a white shirt.

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