Sunday, July 28, 2013

Baby #4 - 32 weeks

So I've made it to the part of pregnancy were I am always ready to be done but delivery is still a long way off!  Ugh!  Thankfully, I have a lot of things planned for the next 3 weeks (working, trip to NE/KS, last minute summer day trips) so I think going from 32 to 35 weeks will go by quickly!  Once I get to 35 weeks it's kind of crunch time to get things ready as I've always delivered between 37.5-38 weeks.  We'll see if #4 follows that plan. 

Anyway, how has the past month gone??

Overall, I still have very few complaints.  The worst part of this pregnancy has been heartburn.  It started early and has gotten progressively worse.  I am now taking Protonix and Zantac most days.  It helps but I really have to watch what I eat as well. 

The varicose veins on my right leg are more obvious (not terrible) but not painful so I am trying not to worry about that.  I did talk to a vein specialist who happened to be at work one day. She said, if they are going to resolve on their own, they will by 12 weeks post-partum.  If you still have them by that point then they are yours to keep.  Also, apparently each pregnancy increases your risk of varicose veins by 25%.

I'm tired and don't sleep well.  That's always a fun combination.  Thankfully, I have a supportive husband who lets me sleep in on the weekends as long as he's in town.  That helps a lot.

So if you gathered, at 32 weeks, I now feel quite pregnant. Ha!

Work is still going well.  I've been working two days a week for the past month.  I really like my job and truthfully those days are easier than my days at home.  I do miss the kids terribly and would never want to be working full time but time at work is easier in a lot of ways than time at home.

I'm still running 20-24 miles a week, taking one weight lifting class a week, and walking a few days a week.  My OB is a bit of a stickler on weight (he really doesn't want women to gain more than is recommended - never been an issue for me) so he always seems quite pleased and amused that I am still running.   I don't think I will be able to keep up the running for too much longer but we'll see.  I am still running 6 miles at a time 2-3x a week (4 miles otherwise) so I have a lot of room to cut the running back rather than completely out.

I'm up 15-16 pounds (one pound a week from 16 weeks on as always).

Nesting has started so we've finally started getting our sleeping arrangements organized.  I'm feeling a big need to get that done asap.  This means extra work and painting for Victor.  Poor guy.  

I'm so thankful for a healthy pregnancy and can't wait to meet this little (hairy,  I think) guy! 

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