Monday, April 8, 2013

Joy Project

147)  Beautiful weather!  4 days of 80 degree weather this week.  Thank you thank you!

Our 10 day forecast.....

Those in WI feel free to visit as I see a lot of rain and snow in your 10 day forecast.  Yuck!

148) Planting the garden with Carson and Erik today (about 3 weeks later than normal)

149) A husband who cleans up puke. Poor Lainey was quite ill last night (midnight to 3 AM).  No more puking today but she had a 102 degree fever.  Thankfully, that seems to have cleared now.  Please pray no one else gets this virus.

Laundry from last night's adventure

150) Spending time at the park with the kids this weekend.  (Victor was out of town and got home just 3  hours prior to the illness hitting.  Good for me - bad for him.)

151) Watching Carson try to boss around our 4 year old neighbor.  Haha!  He's like a mother bird, scolding Tyler when he gets mad at him.  (I don't encourage this behavior but it does make me laugh a bit.)

Oh how this boy makes me smile!
He is too bossy to be the youngest child!

152)  A very generous birthday gift from a blog reader! Thank you.

153) Erik reciting bible verses from Awana with no hesitation.  He remembers them better than I do.

154) A child like faith - this is something I never had, at least in a religious sense.  Our world is so full of hurt and sickness that I think most, if not all, of us at some point end up questioning our faith/beliefs in whatever we might believe in. Wondering really can God be good, or truthfully is does he even exist? Faith is important to me.  It provides hope and comfort during hard times, and gives me a better sense of purpose I think.  But it's not without doubt.  At this point though, my sweet babies have no doubt in their minds that God is good and powerful and can fix everything.  Their questions will come, they have too, but for this brief moment in time they have such a blind faith and it is a joy to be able to witness it.

During advent season the kids start out in the service with us before
going to their Sunday school classes.  Carson insists on participating even 
though it's really only for kids 3+ (I sometimes have to pull him out for being too squirrelly.). 
This photo was shot during a loooong prayer, which only 1 of the trio was paying attention too (understandably). 

155) An extremely close friendship between Lainey and Carson. They are really good pals.

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