Thursday, April 4, 2013

Carson at 2!

I figure I better get in my "birthday post" for Carson before he is 25 months old!

What's Carson like at two??

He is truly such a joy!  He is full of joy and takes delight at almost everything.  He is also a huge source of joy, laughter, and smiles.  I'm not sure I've ever met a happier person.

He is social and friendly.  Unlike Erik and Lainey who start off quiet and warm up slowly, he is usually raring to go and doesn't hesitate at all to participate in big groups or interact with strangers.  Today we were at the park and he starting jumping up and down with excitement when another kid came (he didn't know him).  He pointed to him and shouted out, " Up here! Come! Slide!"  Oh my little boy - how I just love him so much!

Carson plays well by himself too.  He loves puzzles, books (would sit and be read to all day long if possible), coloring, music (he sings and sings all day), building towers and knocking them down, cars and trucks, and playing outside.  He  can entertain himself quite well for 45-60 minutes although there is no guarantee that the mess he creates will take any less time to clean up.  Ha!

Carson likes to help me.  He unloads the dishwasher with me every morning, handing me everything piece by piece.  He sits on the bathroom counter next to me when I get ready, usually painting his face with lip gloss or some other benign make up. :)

Carson loves to eat although is fairly picky about fruits and vegetables.  He will eat carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, beans, cantaloupe, watermelon, bananas, and apples but that's it.  (Not too bad I guess.)

Carson is independent.  "No me!" and " I do it!" are common phrases.   He particularly likes to close and open doors - in the house, at stores, and on the van.

Carson loves his siblings and often greets them with an exuberant hug when they get back from school.  He and Lainey play together really, really well but also fight quite often.

Carson can count to 10 (sometimes), sings his ABCs, he is working on his colors although beyond blue and green is not consistent.  He is talking in 3 word sentences.  Most of what he says is pretty clear.   He makes a "T" sound instead of "C" which I find cute - "tar" for car, "Otay" for Okay.  Makes saying his name a bit tough though! :)

Carson is loved deeply by us all.  
I am so thankful for my joyful little boy and can't imagine life without him! 

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