Sunday, April 7, 2013

Baby Chen #4! - 16 weeks

Well, it's about time for a baby update.  I'm happy to report that this has been my easiest pregnancy.  Here what's been happening...

16 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:  +1 pound  (I lost 3 pounds during the first trimester and have gained back that plus 1 back)

Maternity Clothes:  Nope, I don't usually switch over until after 20 weeks

Sleep:  This baby seems to irritate my bladder particularly at night so that keeps me up fairly often.  If I take Benadryl (which I do 1-2x a week) it seems like I can sleep at least 4 hours in a row before having to get up to go to the bathroom (instead of 1-2 hours!)

Crab cakes have been a consistent craving so far.  I could seriously eat 1-2 a day if I could afford it! :)

Symptoms:  None at the moment, aside from the wimpy bladder at night.  Overall, the first trimester was much easier this time.  I actually understand how my mom could say she liked being pregnant.  Never before could I have imagined enjoying a pregnancy (particularly the 1st and 3rd trimester).  I was still tired and nauseous for 4-5 weeks but way way less overwhelmed by it than before.  Thank you Lord!  Victor had 3 work trips plus I have 3 kids work part-time and we battled 2 bouts of viral junk during the first trimester so I am thankful it wasn't very bad.

Ultrasound of baby #4 at just shy of 16 weeks
Baby is due 9/22/13 - same due date I had with Erik who was born on 9/10

Activity Level:  Pretty similar as to pre-pregnancy.  I am still running about 4 days a week (Saturday, Sun, T, H) lifting weights 3 days a week (T, H, Sat), and Elliptical 2x a week (Monday, Wednesday).  Friday is usually a rest day.  When I run I go between 4-6 miles (depending on if I am lifting weights too).  I've slowed the pace of my runs down by about 45 seconds/mile (now a 9 min mile pace) so I don't feel completely spent at the end.  I have also decreased my max weight lifting a bit too.  I've cleared all activity with my OB who firmly believes that the more exercise the better during pregnancy, he does not adhere to the archaic HR max of 140.   I'm hoping to be able to run until about 25 weeks, we'll see.  This is the first pregnancy I've run during and I'm loving it (my first OB with Erik wouldn't allow anything that bumped your HR over 140 so I switched to elliptical and it took me 5 years to get back into running).

Complications:  None.  Dr. Kacaden did a sneak peak ultrasound this week so Lainey could see her sibling which was wonderful.  Baby looked great, although no measurements were made, or attempts to find out the gender.  He did mention that I have an anterior placenta which probably explains why this baby seems quieter than the others.  I can feel it and have since 14 weeks but it is much less frequent than the other pregnancies at this point.  The placenta is frequently posterior (behind the baby).  It's doesn't cause any problems when it's anterior but can make kicks seem quieter.  The placenta can also move still so we will see where it is on the anatomy ultrasound in a few weeks.

Fun Facts:   This is the first time I've had kids big enough to really understand what is going on and be excited about it.  It's been so fun!  Lainey in particular is SOOOOO excited.  She can hardly wait.  She talks about the baby girl all day long (in her mind this is a girl for sure - I think it's a boy - we'll see).  She wonders about how we will feed it, where it will sleep, will it be able to crawl, how does it get out, etc.  She puts her hand on my belly whenever I sit down next to her.  She's so sweet and will be a great big sister.  I kind of hope for her sake it's a girl (I truly will be happy either way and have no real preference) but if it's a third brother she'll adjust!  I recall telling my mom that she should leave the baby at the hospital if it wasn't a girl when she went to the hospital to have Colin.  Haha!  I wouldn't trade Colin out for anyone - he's great! 

We are very thankful for this new baby about to join our family.  I truly have struggled with feeling a guilty about being pregnant again as I know there are people close to me who are in situations whether it be infertility, health issues, or not finding the right partner yet that make it impossible to have a baby at the moment.  One situation in particular pulls at my heart and if there was a way to fix that situation I'd be willing to do just about anything, even give up the idea of a 4th baby.  But that's not possible so instead I will just be grateful that somehow I'm been granted so many amazing blessings in my life.  

For Comparison:

No blog with Erik until he turned 1!
16 weeks with Lainey
16 weeks with Carson

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