Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weekly Wrap

We had a fun week.  The kids are all feeling better so we've been busy.  Thursday I took them to the DC Zoo for the day.  Lainey had requested a zoo trip for 2-3 weeks and Erik had been asking to ride the metro so we did both.    Unfortunately, I left the stroller at home accidentally so Lainey had to walk 4+ blocks uphill in 95+ degree heat to get to the zoo.  She doesn't enjoy being hot or walking so I was a bit nervous about this but she did great.  Once, we got into the zoo I rented a zoo stroller.  We had a fun day.  Our favorite animals are the Meerkats.  They are always fun to watch.

Lainey was SCARED of the train going fast!
Carson just joined in to show her some support.
They both loved it on our way home, and calmed down within a 
minute or two on our first ride. :)

Friday I took the kids to a mini-water park.  Erik was brave enough to go on the 2 water slides he was tall enough for and was able to do the "lead pad" walk.  The other two just utilized it as a normal pool.  I couldn't find Lainey's life jacket (and Carson screams like a banshee with his on) so it was kind of a risky endeavour taking all 3 to the pool/water park on my own without lifesaving gear.  They all survived and had fun, thankfully!

Another adventure this week was losing my keys.  Somehow, while I was putting Carson in his carseat my keys got lodged in the inner workings of his carseat, impossible to see until I took the carseat out later that evening.  Thankfully, Victor was in town so he brought me the other set of keys after my friends and I failed to find despite 20-30 minutes of searching.

As you can tell, I was losing my mind a bit this week.  Thankfully, the grumpy grumps did NOT appear, yay, but I was surely an absent minded professor.

Girls just need a little pampering sometimes. 

Thankfully, I was able to get out on my own yesterday.  I am weaning Carson cold turkey this weekend (sad baby, sore mommy) so I needed to be able to get away from my boy some as he is in tears most of the time his is by me.  Poor thing!  Sandy had sent us/me $100 last week and I spent it on a massage (thank you).  I was also able to meet a friend for lunch and do some fall shopping for Erik and Lainey (Carson has a TON of hand-me-downs from Erik for this fall/winter).

So, we all made it through the past two weeks of illness and travel!  So thankful for the weekend though!

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