Thursday, August 16, 2012

Carson - 17 Months!

Sweet Carson!  
It's hard to believe you are almost 1 1/2.  Erik and Lainey frequently
 remind me that you are "almost a big kid!"

It's been a busy month!
We spent almost a week in Wisconsin visiting Grandma and Papa.
You slept quite well away from home for the first time ever.
We were so thankful!!

Victor was gone for 8-10 days this month which is more than normal.
You are always excited to see your daddy come home.

You had hand, foot, and mouth a couple weeks ago.
Poor pitiful little guy!
It mainly affected your mouth but boy was your tongue
and throat full of sores.  You gums were bloody red and your 
cervical lymph nodes were really, really swollen! 
Thankfully, you are pretty much back to normal now.

This month we went to the zoo, rode the metro, spent a day in Baltimore
at the Aquarium and Children's museum with Aunt Sonja and Jamison, went to a small
water park, and played!

I also just weaned you, 95% of the way there (still clinging to the morning session which I plan to eliminate this weekend).  

Your personality is starting to become quite clear. Here are some things we love about you....

1) Mr. Personality! 

You do not shy away from attention!
You say "Hi" and wave to anyone who passes you.
You are a big tease, particularily to Lainey.
Frequently, you will steal her blanket or baby doll and run as fast as you can, obviously for the thrill of a reaction.  Haha!  Poor, poor girl is in trouble.

2) Rough and Tumble!

You are so, so busy but you love to be held and touched.
Since weaning you this has become so much more obvious to me.
You are constantly climbing up on my lap, jumping on my back, begging to be held,
wrestling with Erik and Lainey, climbing, climbing and climbing. 

3) Learning Lots!

Your vocabulary is slowly picking up.
You now say/sign... airplane (sign), fish (sign), please (sign), hi (haaa), truck, tractor, Ididit, all done (usually accompanied by food being thrown on the ground), where (dere),  I don't know (sign), Erik (I think you use this for both Erik and Lainey) , Mama, Dada.

You recognize some body parts (feet, butt, tognue).

You love to be outside, trucks, playing chase, wrestling, and reading truck books.

You have a smile on your face almost constantly, unless you are shrieking or whining about something.

We love everything about you!

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