Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I am tired.  Victor was gone for 7 days and has worked really long hours since getting back.  Throw in a couple of sick kids and that leaves me a pretty tired mom.

Thankfully, I seem to be beating the grumpy grumps so far (just have to make it until Saturday)!

Today I seem to be reminded about all the sweet little things that make me smile.

1.  Lainey and her babies!  She loves, loves, loves babies.  It's so cute.  She sings to and rocks her baby dolls, sleeps next to them, brings them in the car everywhere, pushes them in their stroller, etc.  She has such  sweet and tender heart.  I just love my little girl!

2.  Sweet voices.  Erik and Lainey both love the CD from VBS.  Today as we drove from from home to target, to preschool # 1, to preschool #2, to gymnastics, to home, and later to Tae kwon do I was serenaded by sweet little voices singing praise music (even slipping in a few hand motions).  Carson even claps along.  I love it and am so blessed.

3.  Erik can have a terrible attitude but overall he's a wonderful, sweet boy.  Today I was making soup when Carson got up from his nap so I asked him to go and play with him for a few minutes so I could finish what I was doing.  Over the monitor I could here him "reading" Carson his favorite truck book, playing peek-a-boo, and giggling with each other.  Awesome!

4.  Dress up.  Lainey has been wearing her tinker bell costume all day.  She couldn't be any cuter!

Tinkerbell cheering on Erik at Tae Kwon Do

5.  Hard workers. Erik and Lainey both love to learn and are usually eager to spend time practicing math of some sort or their letters.
Above: Lainey practicing her name

Below: Erik working on proper penmanship

6.  Uno.  Erik and I played a fierce game of Uno today while the other two were sleeping.  Not everyday is fun being a stay at home mom but I am thankful to have the time to play Uno with my boy in the middle of the afternoon.

There are lots of unpleasant moments each day with 3 kids 4 and under but today I am determined to focus on my many blessings.


Patricia said...

You are blessed, and your children are extra blessed!

Suggestion: Save their first "calligraphy" of their name and frame and display them.

Meanwhile, hang in there. Saturday is just around the corner!

Austin & Terri said...

I love this post! It's a great reminder to me to try to enjoy the little moments :) Thanks Ann!